"You're always my girl bestie"

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"I caught you cheating with Ana! Why are you starting on ME for?" shouted Mercy.
"Yeah! That was a game of spin the bottle! God! Then a week later, I saw you cheating on me with McCree!" shouted Soldier. Genji looked shocked and Mercy said quickly, "I WAS going out with McCree! I dumped him a day later!" "It's alright princess" whispered Genji gently. "You're always my girl bestie" Mercy was about to cry by how Soldier was treating her. Soldier shouted "YOU'RE JUST A FAT, UGLY CHEATER MERCY!!! I BLOODY DESPISE YOU!" Mercy couldn't help it anymore and collapsed on the floor crying. Genji shouted "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU JACK???" "Shut up you masked freak! This is between me and Mercy, not her little boy toy." Soldier shouted back. Genji had enough. Soldier had insulted Mercy enough to make her cry. Mercy NEVER cried. He had insulted him. He called him a masked freak and Mercy's "boy toy". He was going to wreck that ugly freak. Genji swung his katana and sliced Soldiers arm. Soldier screamed and tried punching Genji in the face but he ducked and missed. Mercy stood up and slit Soldiers throat with the katana. Soldier punched her in the face and she fell. Genji rushed over and said, "OMG are u alright princess? Here, take my hand." Mercy's hand slipped into Genji's and she stood. "Th-thanks!" She whispered. "Heroes never die!" said Genji. "That's MY line!" shouted Mercy while laughing. "Uh, you 2 are making me sick." shouted Soldier. Soldier punched Mercy in the face and she got knocked out. Her head was bleeding a lot and Genji kneeled down with tears like a waterfall. He carried her to his room, still bleeding. She coughed out blood and Genji was really worried. He put her in his bed and cried. "I'm so sorry Mercy. I should've been more protecting" cried Genji. Night came and he slipped into bed with her. "G-goodnight p-princess" stuttered Genji then cried himself to sleep. When he woke up, he felt Mercy's arms around him. He got out of bed and realised it was only 3:41am. He laid back down and cuddled Mercy close. "I love you princess" whispered Genji. "Love you too, Genj" whispered Mercy back. Genji realised Mercy had heard that and blushed. "I-as in f-friend-s" he stuttered. They went back to sleep and Genji wrapped his arms around her.

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