Chapter 1

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"Fumiko, get up!"

I turned around, thinking I was still dreaming.

My sleep was interrupted by a tall man storming into my room. "Fumiko, you sleepyhead! Get up now, we have to go."

I looked up to see Hattori Namiko himself standing beside my bed. The village's most popular fisherman was fit and ready to take his daughter, me, on his daily work trip. It was my 18th birthday and I'll get my promised gift today: getting to spend time with my father on his boat and hunting for fish the entire day. It was something I've been aching for it ever since I discovered how beautiful the Japanese sea was. Living on a hill, I could see it everyday and night when I looked out of my window.

I stretched and sat up in my bed, my father embracing my body which was tiny compared to his. "Very happy birthday, my little girl", I heard his deep voice next to my ear. "Are you ready for today?"

"Yes, papa", I nodded eagerly. "Thanks so much!"

"It's alright, little girl. It's about time you get to come with me." He caressed my head, my messy black hair. "Remember to put all of this in a ponytail. It will be windy out there."

"I will." I dodged the giant of a man while getting out of bed. "I'll be ready in five minutes."

I left my room and ran into my mother in the hallway. She greeted me with a warm hug. "My honey is so grown up now!" She removed a strain of hair from my face. "18 years old and already so pretty and brave", she smiled. "Promise me you'll take care today."

"I promise to." I smiled back. "Don't worry, mama. You'll have me back tonight."

"I hope I will." She looked behind me at my father. "Please take care of you and our babygirl."

"Of course, Hisa. The both of us will have lots of fun today."

My mother looked back at me. "I'm so proud of you." She then let go of me. "Now get ready, the fish aren't waiting."

I nodded and walked past her to the bathroom. As I got ready, I slowly realized what I was going to let to get to me today. I was going to experience the big Japanese sea, on nothing but a simple wooden boat with my father and his crew. The weather was good, so there shouldn't be much trouble about any storms. Yet I felt excited and ... a little scared as well.

I left the bathroom, wearing a traditional blue fisherman robe my father had prepared for this day, similar to his. It was a little big, but not too big and it would keep me warm which was my main concern.

My father watched me stepping out into the hallway, his eyes widened. "Fumiko, you look great."

My mother agreed. "A real fisherman's daughter." She hugged me once again. "Honey, have a great day."

"I'm sure I will", I grinned.

"Also, honey: beware of the Umibozu!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her warning. The Umibozu, a huge sea monster hunting down fishermen and probably the most unrealistic thing ever. My mother used to tell me about it a lot when I was a kid, and I used to be scared of it until I had realized that it was just a plain fairytale.

"Mama, I'm 18 now."

My parents laughed along with me. "I will never get used to that", my mother said. "Now go, you guys. Or else the fish will be gone the moment you start fishing."

I kissed her cheek, so did my father and we started to walk down the hills into the village, to the harbour where we met the other fishermen. We got on the boat and the journey began.

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