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"함께한 시간을 우리 추억을"


young wings | ten

2:35 a.m.
changbin: felix come home please
changbin: im sorry really
changbin: chan and the others are so worried about you please come home
changbin: please baby

2:41 a.m.
jeongin: please come home hyung
jeongin: im worried felix please
jeongin: i don't want you to get hurt
jeongin: i don't like seeing changbin cry
jeongin: minho and hyunjin are blaming themselves
jeongin: just come home

felix: jjeongout ur si cute
felix: di you misss me thst much

jeongin: hyung where are you

felix: at thr clib rounf the cornenr
felix: thr gsy one

jeongin: seungmin and i are coming to get you
jeongin: you're gonna be in so much trouble with jyp

felix: aw u n seingmon shoudl date
felix: cute bsbied <333333

jeongin: not the time felix

1:08 p.m.
chan: i cant believe you let the youngest of the group be more fucking responsible than you
chan: this is the second god damn time im gonna have to save your arse from being permanently kicked out felix
chan: stop being such a dick

felix: im sorry chan
felix: i really am he just hurt me
felix: it started as a small joke but he got jealous and took it too far

chan: why dont you just stop hurting the two of you and everyone else in the group and sort it out between you

1:34 p.m.
felix: meet me at our café @ 2
felix: please

young wings | changlixWhere stories live. Discover now