Chapter 5

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" Parlay!"
Elizabeth quickly says.
Pintel can't believe his ears. " What?"

"Parlay! I invoke the right of parlay! According to the Code of the Brethern, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you must take me to your Captain!"
"I know the code." Pintel slightly growls.
"If an adversary demands parlay, you can do them no harm until the parlay is complete."
"It would appear, so do you."
Ragetti gets angry "To blazes with the code!" He steps forward, but Pintel stops him.  "She wants to be taken to the Captain, and she'll go without a fuss." He looks to Elizabeth: 'right?' Elizabeth nods. He continues "We must honor the code." Ragetti gets the point, sheaths his sword and grins. He them grabs Elizabeth roughly by the arm. 

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Will races along with Bella, momentarily free of the pirates. He spots the Governor's Mansion in the distance. There are figures moving away from it.Elizabeth, forced by the two pirates. Will hurries forward Suddenly a pirate jumps out from the shadows, slashes; Will defends himself. He can swear he had killed this guy already. The pirate grinns amd looks dowm at his feet,Will does too to see a small bomb about to blow up,but nothing happens,the pirate is confused and looks up at Will,suddenly another pirate  swings a flaming torch, and slams Will in the head from behind,knocking him out
Bella notices and runs for him only to get hit herself. 

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The wall of the cells explodes. Jack pulls himself out from under the rubble. Moonlight spills in through the gaping hole created by the cannon ball. But it is centered on the other cell. The part of Jack's cell that is gone is too small for a man to slip through.  The prisoners escaping before one turns to Jack " My sympathies, friend you've no manner of luck at all!" The prisoners descend the rocks beyond, disappearing from view. Jack is alone. Cannon fire continues, occasional hits shaking the fort. The dog cowers under a long bench, key ring still in his mouth. Jack sighs , he picks up the bone from the other cell, and tries coax the dog forward.
"Come here doggie it's just you and me now. Come to Jack cmon,cmon"
To his surprise, the dog crawls out from under the bench. Jack continues to coax him closer. The key ring is nearly within Jack's reach. Suddenly the dog's attention goes to the door of the prison. "Come here you filthy mud-" The dog bolts away "no no wait i din't mean it!" too late the dog is gone along with the keys.The door to the cell block bursts open. A pair of pirates step in: Koehler and Twigg. "This isn't the armory." Twigg complains. He turns to go, but Koehler has spotted Jack.
"Well, well ... Look what we have here, Twigg. It's Captain Sparrow."
"Huh. Last time I saw you, you were all alone on a God-forsaken island, shrinking into the distance. I'd heard you'd gotten off, but I didn't believe it."  he pauses before continuing
"His fortunes aren't improved much." The two laugh. Jack doesn't. He steps forward, close to the bars. This puts him in a spill of moonlight. He is calm but the fury burns within. "Worry about your own fortunes. The lowest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers ... and mutineers." Koehler and Twigg don't like hearing that. Koehler lashes out, grabs Jack by the throat through the bars. Jack clutches the pirates wrist, looks down.Where they enter the moonlight, Koehler's wrists and hands are skeletol. Jack's eyes go wide ,he is holding a skeleton arm.
"So the curse is real,that's interesting."
Koehler sneers, shoves Jack bakwards, hard. Now out of the moonlight, his hand is normal.  Koehler ushers Twigg toward the door. Looks back.
"You know nothing of hell." And then they're gone.

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Amid the thunder of cannon fire, a longboat slips through the fog. Elizabeth sits in the prow. Columns of water from the cannon balls geyser up around the boat. The fog parts. Elizabeth looks up to see The Black Pearl, a tall galleon, its black torn sails looming high above her. At the bow is an ornately carved figurehead of a beautiful woman, arm held high, a small bird taking wing from her outstretched hand. The longboat makes for a pair of lines dangling from a winch.

• • •

Lit by lanterns; no moon is visible beneath the fog. Smoke hangs heavy above the deck. Elizabeth's longboat is raised above the deck rail the pirates spot her, and stare. One polite fellow steps forward to offer his hand. She takes it and steps down. She huddles, self- conscious in her nightgown and dressing robe. Bosun,a dark skinned pirate with piercings steps forward
"I didn't know we was taking captives."
Pintel then explains the situation "She's invoked the right of parlay ... with Captain Barbossa." On the other side of the deck an imposing figure  stands by the wheel, too far away to have heard Pintel's words. But his head turns at the mention of his name. The silhouetted figure moves toward the stairs. A cloud of smoke obscures him and then, as if he skipped the stairs, he strides out of the smoke on the main deck -- This is Hector Barbossa the captain of the Black Pearl. His clothes are dark,black with big hat with feather attatched to it. Definitely not a man you'd want to meet in a dark alley.....or anywhere really, for that matter. Elizabeth, more terrified than ever, cannot look away from his eyes. But she musters her courage  "I am here to-" she is rudely interupted by Bosun who slaps her her. "You'll speak when spoken to!" His wrist is grabbed -painfully- by Barbossa. "And you'll not lay a hand on those under the protection of parlay!" his tine is calm but the anger is still there.  "Aye, sir." Barbossa releases him. Turns to Elizabeth, smiles , it shows both gold and silver teeth.

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Word count: 1004

Cliffhangeeeer!!!!! I am da cliffhanger queen!!!!!! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaa!!!!!!!!

Barbossa: oh god,someone stop her already...

Jack: on it! *walks up to me and slaps me*

Me: ow! That hurt you slack-jawed idiot!

Barbossa: you curse like an old sailor

Me: well you are one!

Davy Jones: ha!

Salazar: you did ask for that one...

Jack: *nods*

Barbossa: i liked  you better when you tried to kill eachother....

Me: heh too bad!

Pirates of the Caribbean  •The Curse of the Black Pearl {fanfic}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora