Farmgirl Blues

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( kinda happy little blues... like Dolly Parton ''n Harper's Valley PTA-ish)

It ain't right if noth'ns go'n wrong today.
It ain't right if calamity don't want to play.
I gotta fractious tractor and a pump what's broke,
Two flat wheels and a busted spoke...

Oh... It ain't right if noth'ns go'n wrong today.

Ol' Benny he dropped by to say he found another girl.
And could he borrow a twenty, cause he's gonna give this new one a whirl.
Said he'd pay me back just as soon as he was able
Told me she was well-preserved and her married name was Mabel...

Oh... it (just) ain't right if noth'ns go'n wrong today.

I got a rooster who's decided to forsake his romantic ways.
So now fourteen hens are on a sitdown and refuse'n to lay.
There's a flood in the basement and a leak in the roof.
Blueflame on the dew didn't burn but 80 proof.

Oh... it ain't right if noth'ns go'n wrong today.
No!... it ain't right if noth'ns go'n wrong today!

©Naomi Marshall 2018

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