Chapter 33

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Eaglekit pounced on Falconwing's tail, wriggling his haunches as he launched himself. Sunstorm let out a mrow of laughter. She could tell that her son was going to be a mighty hunter like his father.

"I got it!" he squealed. "Look, Father and Mother! Look! I-"

Falconwing shifted his tail and the tiny tom fell on his nose.

Frostkit doubled over in laughter, falling off all four paws. "Maybe next time, Eaglekit!" she purred.

"Now, now," Sunstorm mewed softly, "he was off to a good start. There's no need to make fun of him."

"See?" Eaglekit pouted, screwing up his face and making his tail stand straight up. "Let's see you do better!"

Sunstorm's gaze drifted toward the sky; sunset was coming swiftly. She felt a tingling in her paws. She only ever felt that when she had kits.

Falconwing sensed her worry and twined his tail around hers. "I don't like seeing you so nervous," he admitted a bit awkwardly.

Sunstorm pressed her cheek against his. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, too." Falconwing shifted his paws, fixing his gaze on his kits.

"Eeeeulgh!" Alderkit mewed. "Gross!"

The red queen let out a soft mrow of laughter, giving her son a swift lick. Falconwing curled his tail around Sunstorm's.

Darkspot padded up to them eyes huge and sad. "Hi," he mewed. "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" Sunstorm's ears pricked.

"It's Oakleaf," he explained heavily. "He just died."

Falconwing flattened his ears. "Oh no," he meowed. "I'm so sorry... How did it happen?"

"I don't really know for sure. He's getting old, Falconwing. His body must have just given up after all his battle wounds. But he'll be with Maplestar."

Fogcloud, who had been sitting nearby, pricked up his ears but said nothing. Then he shifted his gaze. "It was an apprentice," he meowed. "I don't know his name. But he's a fierce fighter."

"An apprentice killed Oakleaf?" Sunstorm gaped disbelievingly.

"What is it, Emberfur?" Sunstorm asked the medicine cat. The old tortoiseshell was rummaging for something.

"It's Littlestripe," she told her heavily. "I went to check on him. He died in his sleep."

Sunstorm hung her head. "StarClan be with him," she meowed softly.

"Windpelt was his best friend, you know," Emberfur went on. "She hasn't taken it very well. I have to go prepare Littlestripe's body for vigil." She took a clump of rosemary in her teeth and headed toward the elders' den.

"Littlestripe? He's dead?" Frostkit squeaked. "Wasn't he Buttonweasel's friend?"

"More or less, yes," Sunstorm felt better with her daughter's voice in her ears.

"Oh no!" Alderkit let out a wail. "Not Littlestripe!"

Windpelt sat looking up at Silverpelt only a few fox-lengths away. Sunstorm padded up to her; the elder let out a throaty cough and looked at the warrior with large, sad eyes.

"I'd ask Emberfur about that cough," Sunstorm advised her gently.

"It's nothing. I haven't drunk anything since sundown." Windpelt licked her chest and headed toward a small pool next to the medicine cat den.

"There's something important we need to do," Stormstar interjected, leaping onto the Highrock. "We have some special apprentices that are ready to become warriors. They fought just like worthy warriors in the battle."

Irispaw and Tulippaw jumped up in delight. It was time!

"I, Stormstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn to ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn.

"Irispaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Irispaw, from this moment you will be known as Irisdrop. StarClan honors your persistence and and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan.

"Tulippaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Tulippaw declared.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Tulippaw, from this moment you will be known as Tuliprose. StarClan honors your courage and and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

*   *  *

"Everyone!" Beaverpelt pushed through the bramble tunnel, pelt bristling. "Badger! Near the sandy hollow! Emberfur's been killed!"

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