Intro: Boy Meets Evil

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Becoming a camboy had never been Seokjin's first choice.

It probably hadn't even been his hundredth choice, he used to have dreams, ambition, a save future, but he needed a way to make money quickly. A job that with flexible hours that paid well. And he needed to find it by the end of that month. And so Kim Seokjin became Jin, a cute camboy with a beautiful face.

By now Jin has met some other camboys and girls, all of them have their reasons for doing this job. Some do it for the fun, others just want a bit of extra money and some, like Jin, desperately need the money. All of them have their story, but Jin's is probably one of the most remarkable ones. 

Back then, at the beginning of that month that would change his life, money was Seokjin's least worry and the thought of finding himself a job had never even occurred to him. Kim Seokjin had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father the CEO of some electronics company, a man who knows what he wants and how to get it, his mother a stereotypical trophy wife, a beautiful, kindhearted woman that looks good in pictures and smiles for the press but isn't good for much more than that. Seokjin is an only child. And his parents made sure to treat him like that. The most special little boy in the whole wide world. His father made sure to send him to a prestigious all-boys school that Seokjin graduated from not necessarily as the top of the class but still with quite good grades. After that, his father signed him up for a private university to study business administration and maybe take over the company in the future. Actually, Seokjin always wanted to become an actor, but it's not like he ever got any say in that. Still, Seokjin liked his life. He had it all, his own little apartment in Seoul, a stable future and parents that paid for it all. But then he made the one mistake that would take it all away from him. He came out to his parents.

They weren't happy with it.

His mother had cried. His father had said nothing for a good ten minutes or so and then just calmly told his son to get out and not show his face anymore. That evening when Seokjin got back home to his apartment he had received notice that his father would stop paying for his rent and education. The fees for that month had already been paid, but after that Seokjin would be on his own. He had basically been left with two options, drop out of that university and try to find something else, something with a lower tuition fee and maybe start jobbing at a coffee shop or supermarket to pay for rent and stuff. Probably also move out of his apartment and find a new one, because the nice one in Hongdae he inhabited at the moment would probably not be affordable with jobbing at a coffee shop. Or he could try and make things work on his own. Being the proud man that Kim Seokjin is, he decided to do the latter. And that is how Kim Seokjin became Jin, or actually sexual jinnuendo, that is his username, and he is quite proud of that stupid pun. He came up with it himself and everytime a viewer tells him that they find it funny he proudly puffs out his chest and gets ready to tell another stupid joke, that only he will laugh at. But during shows, he calls himself Jin.

There are a lot of things Jin wishes he had known before he started camming. And there are a lot of things he regrets. Thinking that it would be an easy way to make quick money is one of them. Falling for the I'll pay you after the show is another, but this is a mistake he has only made once and will never make again. But his biggest regret is not starting this much sooner. 

Camming is something that suits Jin in a way he didn't expect it to. To be successful doing the kinds of things he does live on webcam one needs primarily two things, a lot of self-esteem and a bit of being an exhibitionist. Jin has both of these. He thinks he's rather pretty, no actually, he knows that he is goddamn handsome and he likes being told so. Jin likes attention, especially positive one. He loves it when the viewers spam his comment sections with compliments about his plump lips or broad shoulders. He loves when they won't shut up about his hair, that he recently died a darkish blond, which they all seem to enjoy quite a lot. He loves how they think even his imperfections, such as his crooked fingers, look beautiful when they wrap around his cock. Jin sees a lot of cute, adorable or fuckable, which is already pretty neat but the words Jin really loves to read are compliments such as manly, handsome or sexy. Of course, not all comments are positive, some people call him a slut, or whore, or other things. By now Jin has probably read every possible synonym of the word at least once. He has a moderator in his chat room that helps to remove insulting comments or block rude viewers. That helps a little but there will always be someone calling Jin a slut. Sometimes he thinks that it gets those people off. And Jin really couldn't care less about them. Whatever floats their boat, he has seen weirder things. Only after he started doing things others requested him to do he understood how weird and fucked up sexual desire can get. Some of them are really disturbing, sometimes the requests are disgusting at worst and kind of funny at best. One of his favourites is the one time a viewer offered to pay him 30,000 Won to make out with a mirror for five minutes. He also had to wear lipstick for that. It was a little weird but so are most of the requests that come in. Most of them Jin ignores, some he accepts if they pay well and aren't too gross, or weird. He did accept the one with the mirror because it seemed fun and he was lucky to have some lipstick around, he made a show out of applying it and slowly kissing his reflection, whispering compliments about how handsome he is to himself. He ended up having lipstick smeared all over the mirror and his own face and he decided to stay like that for the rest of the show to look like even more of a mess. 

Camming is a lot more than sitting in front of a webcam and masturbating for twenty minutes and by the end of it miraculously having earned a lot of money. Most shows take hours, the longest Jin has ever gone is eight hours, the shortest is forty minutes and that was one of his first shows and the internet connection stopped working. Earning 250,000 won in one session is good, earning 400,000 is amazing and anything higher than 500,000 is pretty much just a fantasy that will never come true.

Jin does his shows weekly, always starting in the late afternoon on Sundays and sometimes continuing until late into the night. It took some time to build an audience but by now he has a few regulars, he recognises their usernames and he knows what they like to see and what they are willing to pay for. Jin always makes sure to greet them, talk to them, address them by their names, or at least the names they have told him when he asked for one to moan, because being nice gives a lot more tips than just being beautiful.

Jin has been doing this for almost half a year now. By now he knows things he wishes someone would have told him when he started. And he has discovered some truths that he would have never even thought could be true. For example, Jin never thought that masturbating could ever feel like a chore. But when you do it on a regular schedule to get paid for it, it becomes a job just like any other.

But it pays the bills and at the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters.


So I started another story because I have no self-control. This is kinda more of a prologue of Jin's backstory and stuff, the actual action will begin in the next chapter. I'll try to post weekly, but I can't promise anything yet. There will probably be around 10 chapters in total, maybe 3 to 5 k words per chapter. And there obviously will be smut.

So yeah, enjoy^^

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