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1. My nick name is Jay, my name is Jayd. Please no hate, I know my name is weird.

2. My eye color is a blue mixed with grey somewhat. I honestly don't know.

3. Dirty blonde. I'm literally the lamest person ever. Nothing special about me.

4. I had my name changed to Jayd. I'm fancy. 😉

5. My favorite color is any shade of blue.

6. I freak'n love England.

7. My fave celebrity is....does Melanie Martinez count?

8. Hmm.......what is my favorite animal, the wild male. No just kidding I like a lot of animals, I don't think I have a favorite. (Sorry I just offended the whole male population, I apologize #SorryNotSorry.)

9. Play date by Melanie Martinez, or anything by her, Set it Off, Panic at the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, and more too many to count. (The song is up there

10. The Nightingale, it's amazing. If we're talking Wattpad then IDK.

11. I'm going to add a few more. My background right now is this:

 My background right now is this:

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And this:

And this:

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12. The last song I listened to Gingerbread Man by Melanie Martinez.

13. My OTP is Jughead + Betty = Bughead. If you don't watch Riverdale then you wouldn't understand.

14. If I had one million dollars I would give most of it to charity and with the one hundred dollars that I saved then spend it on Hot Topic.

15. I'm a single pringle. All the single pringles all the single pringles now put your chips up, oh oh oh, oh oh ohh. My friend BTSAngelXx made this up with me.

16. I used to have this crush on a total jerk and when my friend asked him "Why don't you ask Jayd out." He said "I think I'll pass." What a jerk right. Now I like  this boy that I knew in second grade and now don't know him at all but I still like him. I know I'm weird.

17. My favorite game is Call of Duty, I used to love watching my dad play it with my older sister and now I'm old enough to play it so yeah.

The people I'm tagging:


And done, make sure to check out my other account Sorrow_is_wonderful I'm not on that one that much or like at all but I'd love you to follow that account.

Bye lovelies,
Dragon out.

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