The song in my heart

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A/N: Hey guys! I need to apologies for this now. This is my first ever fan fiction so I would love it if you could comment what you think of it and any improvements I could make. Thanks Guys. Bye!

Wylan's POV

I felt the myself speak through the notes. It felt like a language that only I could speak and all my troubles and problems can be told and anybody can hear, but only those I want to will truly understand. Its been a month since the final job. Everybody has split. Mathias is dead. Inej is sailing the seas tracking down slavers. Nina has gone to Fjerdan to bury Mathias and has probably already gone and rejoined the Grisha second army. And Kaz. Well Kaz took Inej leaving hard, though he'll never admit it. He's become more withdrawn and aggressive recently. I wish I could help but there's nothing I can do. I'm nothing. I barely even helped in the jobs we did. All I did was cause distractions. I poured all my feelings into my fingers to let them communicate with the piano underneath the tips of my fingers. I smiled a small smile to myself as I caressed the keys and they answered with a beautiful purr of music back at me. The music hit me hard. It was too honest. I can't tell people what I feel. We are supposed to be strong. No mourners. No funerals. But it's hard. I paused when I felt a large hot tear fall down my cheek.

Jesper's POV

I was just returning from a job with Kaz when I heard the gentle tune from the music room envelop me the moment I entered the house. I was confused. Marya was asleep when I left the house earlier and I sincerely doubt that she would suddenly be playing the piano at this time of night. Wylan. I heard it then; the sadness and the mourning within the tune. I crept up the stairs not wanting to disturb him. I stopped when I was outside of the room and opened the door as quietly as possible. I found him sitting alone by the glistening black grand piano. His back was too ma and he seemed lost in the story of the music. I knew the way he talked through music now, so I listened.

Wylan's POV

I suddenly looked up when I felt a gentle finger brush away the tear from my cheek. I was suddenly overcome with sadness when I saw Jesper standing there, I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled my face into his chest. My barricades broke then and all my hidden tears fell then. I didn't even care what he thought I just needed to cry my hidden sorrows. I was startled when I suddenly felt his delicate fingers start to caress the back of my head. With his other hand I felt him pull me protectively against him. "I know. I heard you. It's ok Wy. I know" he murmured over and over again against the top of my head. Once I had finally managed to control myself. "They're gone. They have all gone. It's just me and you now Jes. How did this happen?" 

"We won, that's what happened. We got to live the lives we always dreamed." 

"It hurts Jes. I want them back." I confess.

"I know Wy. Come on lets get you to bed. You've had a long day..."

"stay with me" I suddenly blurted. I was suddenly paralyzed with fear as to what he was going to say. Jesper looked down at me in surprise then his gorgeous face broke into a soft smile that seemed to melt my heart "Of course Wy. I'll do whatever you want. I love you Wy." I was surprised at the confession. Could we say that? Did we really deserve to hope that such things could still exist in the world. But sometimes hope is all you have. Inej would probably have some Suli proverb to explain, but the best I could do was whisper "I love you too Jes. I really do"

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