Scary Movies

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A/N: Hey guys! This is a modern AU by the way ;)  Also I would love to hear some suggestions on what you would like for me to write about so please comment and let me know. Anyway here we go!


Jesper was very excited because Wylan had promised that tonight he would come home from work early and spend it with him. Wylan had been promoted to CEO of a huge shipping industry and as a result Jesper didn't see him as often as he wanted to. Jesper had too much energy and soon couldn't sit still waiting for Wylan to come home, he began to pace the living room stopping every few lengths to check out the window to see if he could spot the headlights of Wylan's car. It wasn't long before a car pulled into their parking space at the front of the apartment building. Finally! Jepser thought grinning to himself. Jesper strolled to the front door opened it and proceeded to lean casually against the door frame with his arms folded waiting for Wylan to come up the stairs. As soon as he saw the familiar red hair of his boyfriend he grinned suggestively and drawled "Hello babe, ready for some fun?" at that Wylan's head shot up like a bullet with a deep blush across his cheeks and his eyes wide like the moon. It's just so easy Jesper chuckled to himself. When Wylan finally oriented himself he just grinned a wide smile. "You better believe it!" he said as he stalked into the apartment. a moment after Jesper followed him.

"So Wylan, I'm all yours. What on Earth are you going to do with me?" Jesper teased. At that all Wylan did was raise one eyebrow and put his hands on his hips "Well Jes unlike you my mind does not permanently reside in the gutter. Come sit on the coach. We are watching a movie for your information." at that Wylan turned on his heel and began to fiddle with the DVD player, and a very confused Jesper went and sat down on the coach waiting for Wylan to join him. "So what are we watching?" asked Jesper.

"You'll see." Wylan replied smugly. Turns out that the movie was the shinning which Jesper was surprised about because if he remembered rightly this was Kaz's favorite movie. Put simply this was a seriously scary movie. Wylan had turned out all of the lights and had strted by sitting snuggled next to Jesper. Yet, as the movie progressed it surprisingly took Jesper a long time until he realized that Wylan was snuggling closer and closer. By the end of the movie he had practically shaking and burrowing himself into Jesper's shoulder. "Wy are you ok?" Jesper finally asked as the credits rolled up, concern lacing his words. "Um. yeah. I think I'll be fine." His eyes were wide in fear and Jesper noticed that he seemed paler than usual. "Wylan stop you are not fine. Why did you choose a movie that would frighten you this much. I don't understand." said a very confused Jesper. At that Wylan cast his eyes to the floor and mumbled quietly "I just wanted an excuse to get close to you." Jesper laughed loudly at that. He grabbed Wylan with both hands and kissed him deeply on the lips "You idiot. If you just wanted to be close to me you could have just done it without scaring yourself half to death. Ah well, I guess your just going to have to sleep with me tonight then. Make sure nothing gets you." Jesper said smirking at Wylan because of his lovable stupidity.  Wylan nodded his head frantically a small smile on his lips That Jesper thought was adorable, saints this boy is to cute for his own good "come on then Wy. Lets get to bed then."


What Jesper did not know is that everything had gone perfectly according to the plan that he had devised earlier on in the day. He had asked Kaz if he could borrow his favourite movie knowing full well that he would be scared. Wylan knew that if Jesper saw him really shaken up he would finally let Wyaln sleep in his bed with him. Wylan allowed himself a small smirk at Jespers back before he followed his boyfriend up the stairs to where he would (hopefully) be spending a great many more nights.

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