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Hey Guys im Going too write a  fanfiction  I Hope You like it ☺️❤️

You (Y/n) (introduce yourself that You are 13 or 14)
Johnny Orlando(15)
Lauren Orlando(13)
Mackenzie Ziegler(13)
Annie Leblanc (13)
Hayden Summerall(14)
Ruby Turner (12)
Nadia Turner (14)
More Characters coming soon (These are the main character )
They live in La(except Y/n)
Y/n : you aren't a popular girl at school ,But you will see things will change, You just have to take the chance
Johnny(J):Most popular guy at school,likes to be called John,is on tour with Kenzie,is in a clique with Kenzie,Annie,Hayden,Ruby,Nadia,Carson,and Brandon,is best friends with Kenzie and Hayden ,he is a Bad Boy,he doesn't like Lauren because his friends think she is a Nerd and a loser,but what will happen if You get to know his true me ?
Lauren(L):isn't very popular at school ,is known as Johnny's sis,no one from Johnny's clique like her except Kenzie and Ruby she doesn't now why,is secretly friends with Kenzie and Ruby,is very kind and understandfull,think Johnny hates her and doesn't now his true me
Mackenzie(K):Most popular girl at school,is kind and funny,likes to be called Kenzie or Kenz ,is on tour with Johnny,is in Johnny's clique ,is secretly friends with Lauren ,can't understand that Johnny hates Lauren, is best friends with Johnny and Ruby
Annie(A):is one of the Most popular students at school,is in Johnny's clique ,has a crush on Hayden,finds Lauren nice and want to be Friends with her but doesn't want to be excluded from the clique
Hayden(H):is one of the Most popular Students at school,is in Johnny's clique ,has a crush on Annie,is best friends with Johnny and Annie ,is a good Boy
Ruby (R):is one of the Most popular Students at school,is in Johnny's clique,is also Kind and funny,is secretly friends with Lauren,is best friends with Kenzie Annie and secretly Lauren,hates her sis Nadia because she hates Lauren and is really mean to Ruby
Nadia(N):is one of the Most popular students at school ,is in Johnny's clique,she hates Lauren ,has crush on Johnny,is best friends with Carson and Brandon ,she is a Bad Girl ,but You will See things will change
Carson and Brandon (C,B):are two of the most popular students at school,they are in Johnny's clique,they are best friends with Nadia and Johnny ,they also hates Lauren ,they're bad boys

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