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Someone's beens snooping ats ours journal ands its isn't Smeagol.... nos, nos it's nots... not nasty Hobbit or Dwarves either... nor Elves. Afraid secrets wills be spoiled if I does nots finds outs who's is... Still no success on getting backs the ring. And wes blame Smeagol for all this mess. Bah! Whys can'ts I gets what's I wants once in great while eh? Still needs to comes up withs ours OWN plan to gets it back. Hopefullys tomorrow wills be better.

Snooping! Precious, snooping! Mores likes sneaking and it's nots our fault.. wes don'ts knows who's reading this does we precious.. except Gollum.. yes, he's ones that's snoops! And wes has goods plans too, yous just don't trusts us. Wes will gets back Ring ... just waits and sees. Then who's will be better?

Thanks for all the reads, it means a lot. Just don't let Gollum/Smeagol find out I'm the one letting you in on his secrets. He'll probably kill me for that. 😁 -Isilwen.

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