Am i a hero?

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"Nathan and Sequin Mendoza"

"Yes" we said in unison. The man bowed in front of us.

I am your butler and your guide, from here till you both get back home. Your bags and things will be claimed at the baggage center to the right but i will lead your way there.

Me and Sequin looked at him confused.

"Did we hire him?" Sequin whispered to me, "cause I'm ready to kick him in the face if he's just wearing a suit but in reality he's an old creepy, boogieman"

I never agreed on her idea,i mean look at the poor guy,he seems loyal to his job. We may be rich but we have to be careful especially to people who seems to be full of masks on its face.

"Please take us there"

Sequin stared at me.

"Ill blame you if something happens" she said blocking me with her body.

"Your parents will be at joy when they see you two" he just smiled.

We followed him and got our bags and other things important. The temperature is very hot so i always feed myself lots of water with ice in order to cope up with the bad climate. I took off my jacket and throwed it at Sequin,its a payback from what she did to me earlier,and she ended up cursing at me which i didn't mind that much.

"Im gonna buy some cold water,want some?" She just glared at me and nodded.

"Wait for me here"

"Im gonna ditch you!!"

"Im not talking to you,I'm talking to him"

"We will sir" he bowed and showed his pearly white teeths.

Im too tired to listen to her curses I have no choice but to escape. I walked past some stores and went in the wide shop,..the one called Bench which is one of my favorite. Tempted by excitement,i quickly went inside and cant stop staring the designs inside the store in awe,"maybe just a few turns and swirls here in the shop wont be bad" i mentally thought,well Sequin can wait though.

I took a few tryouts,though all of it fits for me,i would gladly buy all,but unfortunately my cards arent in my wallet right now,only a few bills. Tsk.

I am now standing in the fitting room changing to my original clothes. I quickly faced the mirror and smirked, i fixed my shirt putting my hand on my shoulder and shove off the dust, i moved my beanie back and forth twirling my wavy hair.

I could say that I am handsome,with this perfect hazel eyes,perfect pinkish lips,and this God-like perfect face,ALL GIRLS WILL CHASE ME. Which i will wholeheartedly accept their affections. I stared at my reflection for a minute or two.

And something just suddenly ticks in my mind.

"Oh Shit" I cursed.

I quickly got out the shop,i had totally forgot that i have a work to do,and that is buy water,i can feel my body burn from frustration.

Sequin will be mad at me like a witch she is,she'll even turn me into a frog!

I calmed myself,and quickened my pace and of course with poise to make me look cool, i can feel my arrogant side rising up,cant help it though. I gave out a chuckle when i noticed that all the girls,literally; are watching me from head to toe,well I just go with the flow and I even winked at them that made them giggle.

I wonder what it feels like to have a filipina girlfriend, it has been good with my british ex's,theyre fun but somethings missing,its a boys extinct.But i want to feel something new,that unique kind of feeling.

I mentally slapped myself.

"Stop thinking ridiculous things Nathan,you have an important job to make thats why youre back here in phil,no girls,no fun,no anything." Nice one brain.

Ive been circling around the airport and cant find where the water station is. I ended up poking a person who jumped back from the sudden touch i did.

"Excuse me sir,im kinda lost,where can i buy water here?" I asked,freeing out my accent.

"Ah,just go to the exit and face the left side,and you can now see the water station and its free" he even raised his hand pointing everywhere for me to follow up. I mouthed him a thank you and quickened my pace more.

Shit,Sequin will kill me.!!

The words kept on swirling and circling my mind until i reached the exit,i never had a second thought and followed to what the guy told me,i turned my head to the left and made a run for it.

"4 bottles of water please"

"Uh uhm..Right away sir" the person at the counter flustered at my sudden demand.

I quickly snatched the bottles,shivering from the cold. I walked some meters past them opening one bottle and pour all of it into my mouth,sweats and pants followed.


That fast paced walk made me burn some of my calories. Jesus.

I know,i know that was an immature thing to do but i gave all out my effort to get here! I gave myself a minute to rest when suddenly i heard something..i hightened my sense of hearing and heared it again. Its like a whimper.

I moved my feet and followed it.

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