
10 1 0

Rule 1:
Don't begin to role play until accepted
Rule 2:
No bullying in role play or outside if I see any type or form of it I will block you and delete your role play immediately
Rule 3:
No god mode.
You can get hurt,you have flaws,no ones freaking perfect
Rule 4:
Don't control my OC it really bugs me I'm open to any suggestions just please don't control me
Rule 5:
If I don't reply in a half an hour @ me
I go to school and play sports so during the day I don't answer as quickly I also have sports so if I haven't replied all day I'll get to you by that night
Rule 6:
Smut and Cursing is allowed just don't have smut every ten seconds and don't be cursing like a sailor
Rule 7:
The password is to tag 2 people

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