Frisk Saves The Day!

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Frisks POV

As I'm trying to balance 5 hot dogs on my head, I notice a figure running toward me. Its probably just papyrus on his morning run. But as the figure came closer I noticed that it was blueberry sans running straight toward me. I tried to brace myself but instead I toppled over the three hot dogs I had managed to get on top of my head. Dang it! Sans said he was gonna do my laundry if I stacked all five. But then again ,why would sans wanna do MY laundry? 

Anyway, when I looked up I found a very cute blueberry sans staring at me. He didn't look tired considering  that he ran from probably his house to here. "Hey Frisk! What's up?" I thought I heard a bit of embarrassment in his voice but I couldn't tell because he was BONE FACED.*imaginary high five in brain* So I gave him my derpy salute. "Do know anything about dating?" He asked me. I mean I wasn't really a dating expert but I did have some experience with dating papyrus. Oh! I know! I ran off to Papyrus's house and searched for his ULTIMATE DATING GUIDE. I didn't read it but im pretty sure it's gonna be useful to blueberry sans.

Us Sans POV

As frisk handed me the book I thanked him and started off. I'm gonna have to repay him one day...

I stopped in front of the house. What if he was in there? I didn't want to face him again since I stumbled upon him with Uf sans. I held the book tight and turned around. I headed towards  the waterfall. I met Nabstablook at the snail race and asked him if I could stay at his house for a bit. He answered with a "sure, whatever...". I went over to his house and sat on the floor.

I started to open the book. The first pages were just about how great papyrus is and how he should be in the royal guard. Classic Paps. The next few pages revealed how you needed to dress and use your manners. After those pages, it said how I needed to treat them to dinner and give them a few puzzles to solve so the date won't be boring.

Wow. Papyrus was really serious about this book. It even stated tips on how to get your date power to maximum level. Welp, guess I'm going to have to just go for it on this one .

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