Thousands March To Save Trees

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           February 18, 2018

             Today in Vancouver, Canada, an inspiring march took place. Thousands progressed as one, in a spirited act to conserve British Columbia's forests. Everyone had come equipped with giant posters, inscribed with slogans such as "Save paper, Save trees, Save the planet" and "Think before you print". These people are clearly very passionate about not cutting down trees for useless reasons and are very adamant that we do not waste paper unnecessary things. Many had also caught attention by having large cardboard signs held up by wooden sticks to hold above their heads and the nearby signs. The walk lasted from noon until late evening and the aftermath was just as tremendous; signs and trash littered the streets. Hundreds of "save paper" sheets covered the ground. I suppose they feel as though they achieved their goal for today. So readers, I leave you with this to ponder: If a tree falls in the forest and you don't make a sign about it, are you even woke?

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