Chapter One (Roxy)

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I had been planning the escape for a month. Today I was finally able to execute it. I retrieved a bobby pin that I had obtained from a guard, from my dark red hair. Clumsily I picked the lock on my handcuffs. It took me a little while before I heard a clicking sound. Swiftly I caught the cuffs as they fell, gently laying them on the floor. I had about four minutes to break out of the room before someone realized that I had escaped my cuffs. I briskly made my way to the door. With the cuffs now gone, I picked the lock with ease. Suddenly, a loud fast beeping sound came out of the speaker behind me, catching me off guard. I had roughly a minute before the  guards would show up. Opening the door, I peeked into the hall. At the moment, there were no guards stationed outside. The size of the prison made it hard for guards to be in close range of every cell. Higher security levels demanded more attention.

Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. It gave me a sense of excitement I hadn't felt in ages. I ran past all the empty cells, stopping at the end of the hall. In front of me was a cell I knew held a friend of mine. I picked the lock quickly, opening the door frantically in my haste. The prisoner's dark blue eyes warned me to leave without him. I picked his handcuffs as rapidly as my shaking hands would allow. I grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the room. There were three guards running down the hallway with their guns pointed towards us. I let go of James' arm, tucking my hands into fists. I was ready to fight for my freedom.

I noticed a young prisoner in between the guards. He was probably the reason they had responded sooner than I expected. I ran without warning at the closest guard and knocked the gun right out of her hands, catching it and turning it on her. James had easily managed to take down the other two.

"Turn your prisoner over to us, and get in the cell. Then give us your uniforms." James ordered.

The guards chuckled, tightening their grip on the boy. "What are you going to do to make us?"

I aimed my weapon at them, moving my finger closer to the trigger.  They all became stone faced, pushing the young kid into my arms and getting into the cell. The vexed patrol then hurled their black uniforms to us in the hallway outside. I grabbed an earpiece from one of the uniform belts and pressed the button on the two way radio.

"Sector Blue containment breach is under control, Sir," I said in a monotone voice, hoping to avoid being questioned. I waited for an answer for a few seconds. The alarm stopped. I sighed quietly to myself, and then began putting on a guard uniform over my dark blue prisoner's outfit. Both James and the kid already had theirs on. The kid's was slightly too big but it was hardly noticeable. I looked back to James and smiled for the first time in over a month. He smiled back and opened his arms up for a hug. I slowly came in for a nice, long one. I could've stood there forever.

"I missed you so much," I whispered.

"I missed you too, Roxy."

We stood there for a few more seconds before letting go of each other and stepping back. I glanced over at the fidgeting kid beside us and began thinking about how he could be an asset to the team. He was pretty small, so he should be able to hide easily and crawl into tighter places than James and I. His black hair was slicked back. He looked pretty smart. The boy took a step closer, trying to close the awkward gap between us and catching my attention.

"My name's Elio," the boy said bluntly, staring at me with somber brown eyes. I nearly jumped at the unexpected introduction, and then, realizing I had been watching him for a while, I looked back at James. He was staring at me, but when we made eye contact he awkwardly looked down at his feet and blushed, holding his neck in embarrassment. I returned my gaze to Elio.

"I'm Roxy. The guy behind me is James." I replied. I began to grow worried about their reaction to what I was about to say. I regained my composure by straightening my stolen uniform, "I'm going to try and free all the prisoners in this facility."

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