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"loyalty runs deep"

Isaiah's face was stern and filled with concern and disappointment

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Isaiah's face was stern and filled with concern and disappointment. His piercing, blue eyes not depicting any sign of amusement or pleasure from last night. A small part of me was glad, because having to face him, after seeing each other naked in seven years. After me not having sex in six years -- awkwardness is just an understatement. But, a small part of my heart cracked at the feeling. I had not tried that hard, yet, to make the idiot fall in love with me . . . But, our commitment last night had to pull a little trigger in his feeling towards me. Fuck, I was sounding like a pussy -- it was true though, sadly. I genuinely felt pain.

Reine Dalir felt pain.

Maybe, maybe. . . Isaiah's love for Anna was more than any kind of desire he felt. Maybe, I was just a one night stand, for him. Just a one night in paradise.

I can't believe that I'm thinking such thing over a man I want to kill.

For the love of God. . .

The man in front of Marcías was old, a white beard that rolled down his chest, along with his long, white hair of matching colour. His dark complexion contemplated the brightness of his golden eyes, that were so mesmerising. And along with his polished appearance, his suit was lavish.

These men, they all love such uptight suits.

Isaiah faced Alejandro, "Is there a reason for you intrusion?"

Alejandro fixed his cuffs, breathing out a sigh. "Maybe, I should return later. When you are free."

Isaiah nodded, not meeting my stormy gaze. "Yes."

And with that, the two men began talking in a language I did not know. Spanish, most definitely. So, Alejandro grabbed on my forearm with a quick squeeze, motioning for me to follow him.

I didn't even look into Marcías's eyes again.

"Why even bother telling him what I done? It's between Dom and I, and definitely, not your fuc--"

But Alejandro cuts me off, "You shall not swear near me. It's despicable." His voice was one of those rare beauties, deep and powerful enough to make any man quiver in silence. As Isaiah's was rough and smooth and sensual, Alejandro's was death. "I will not be judged and told what do by a lowlife who fucks for murder." It was like a punch to my heart. "I can do whatever I want, girl, and you are not the one to command me to."

Girl? Was this man serious? We're probably a few years apart, and he calls me girl as if I'm a child!

"And neither are you, boy." I sneer, spitting the last word to his face. "I am an assassin, and I will not be told what do by a man who follows another. At least I can do what I want, whenever I want."

Alejandro releases a throaty laugh. "Is this nonsense I hear? Or just words of a child? If you think you are such, why bother not resist against my urge?"

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