Become Slender's Proxy

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Warning:to become a proxy is that you will have to obey your master and will not have fun intil you die! Please don't do this but it is your choice if you want to do this

Say this out loud:
I'm here to serve
I will not obey or lie to my master
I will be with my partner weither I like it or not
After I accept this life I cannot return back to the old one
I'm nor human nor demon
I am proxy
And I am here to serve my master

This will make you his proxy but you may die

What you'll need:
A strong will
A Strong body
Yourself (of course you need yourself)

Step 1:Go into the woods on a new moon (take a path you know)with only a flashlight

Step 2:Keep walking till you feel the slender sickness what ever you do always face the ground.

Step 3:Close your eyes never open them until the spell ritual is over

Step 4:Stay as still as you can

Step 5:When you wake up pack anything that matters to you but nothing you can take videos with

If you are a proxy this may happen to you.This is someone else experience So I don't know if you will have the same experience

1.Becoming used to.You will see him and have slender sickness and extreme paranoia but it won't be so scary.You will feel a odd feeling of comfort when he is around.

2.Strange habits.You will have a urge to draw the operator symbol,and you would draw it without thinking or out of nowhere.Your muscles will control themselves and draw it against your will.You would start walking in the woods and against you will and then stop at this tree every time .You would get a minor headache and then turn around

3.Arguing with yourself.You would occasionally say "He's here" but you would instantly counter yourself with "No,he's not."

4.BlackoutsYou will have blackouts in a couple of minutes. In these blackouts, you will see a man with a mask looking down on you.The words "soon" keep repeating.

5.Weird dreams with masked men.You would have random dreams of masked men speaking to you,their voice should be distorted and they seem to walking closer to you each time

6.Waking up with injuries and amnesia.You would wake up in the morning with bruises on my left rib area and a big bump on the top of your head and you will have no clue how you got them

7.Memory-dreams.They are usually memories of blackouts you have when your sleeping,such as you hitting someone.

8.Trying to stay-awake.You would sneak out and attack people and usually only remember fragments in the form of a dreams.You will try to stay awake but you'll hear an odd static noise and fall asleep

9.Radiation on clothes.My uncle works at a nuclear power plant upstate and he show me his Geiger counter when I visited him once, it went off when it brushed against my jacket on the couch when he took it out of his pocket. A small amount and my uncle thought it might of been an error

Disclaimer:This is not mine so don't blame me please please with a cherry on top

A/N:I also read that if your a girl and you want to become a proxy

You shouldn't talk unless when asked .You can't have a crush on a other boy. You can't do the dirty with other pastas

So being a girl proxy would suck

If you guys want to know more please let me know and I will try my best to answer you

Also go to the request page if you want to ask or request .You guys please tell me if my spelling is wrong but don't hate me. Thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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