Zo Zo needs to go!

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When Vanessa woke up in the morning, she found that Jorel had already woken up and had left the room. Once she had freshened up for the day, she left the room and headed past Dylan and Anna's room only to hear Dylan and Jorel speaking away in chilled voices. Vanessa just shook her head and left them to it as she headed downstairs to plan with Anna and Jordon what to do next.

She found the pair in the kitchen with coffee, just casually chatting. "Hey" Vanessa muttered as she headed straight past them for the coffee. "Hey, how's Jay?" Jordon asked and Vanessa just shrugged. "He's with Dylan right now doing god knows what" She responded in a flat voice and the pair at the table just sighed as she joined them.

"Right, so what's the plan now?" Anna asked quietly, not wanting to speak any louder due to a headache. Vanessa noticed her wince and went to ask her about it but Jordon caught her attention and shook his head gently She got the memo and avoided the subject. "I think we should look up who the hell this Zo Zo is and how the fuck we get rid of him" Vanessa said and the other two just nodded in agreement, gently in Anna's case so as to no make her headache worse.

They finished their coffees and then headed out of the room to go a get their laptops from their rooms before meeting up once more but in the lounge this time. "Right, so we find out who he is? How to get rid of him?" Anna asked to clarify and both Vanessa and Jordon nodded.

And they got to work. They were researching anything they could find on their not-so-wanted guest. They looked into everything, any sights that offered even some information into anything similar to what they need to find. They were looking for a couple of hours until a scream filled the house.

They all looked up from their laptops just as Jorel ran into the room. Dylan was on his heel and they were both running away from something that scared the shit out of them. "What?" Jordon asked but didn't need an answer as Matt stormed into the room.

His eyes were rolled up into the bad of his head and low growls were coming out of him. The three on the couches still jumped onto their feet and Dylan and Jorel put themselves in front of the girls. "Matt?" Jordon asked but Matt just growled loudly at him.

Before any of them could do anything else, Matt threw himself at the group and caught hold of Jorel's shit before swinging him right around and letting go, causing him to go crashing into the wall behind him.

"Jay!" Vanessa screamed after him and Matt turned on her. Before he could actually reach though, Jorel quickly but painfully jumped to his feet and ran straight at him. He sent them crashing to the ground and Matt screamed in annoyance.

He threw an elbow in Jorel's face, causing him to try and roll away but Matt didn't let him get away. He crawled on top of Jorel and started to pound punch after punch into his torso and Jorel couldn't find any time to counteract it. Matt was holding down Jorel's arms with his legs, keeping them pinned to the ground and didn't ease off the attack until George came up behind them, having unearth from his and Jordon's room due to the screaming. George caught a handful of Matt's hair and yanked him backwards off Jorel. Matt screamed in frustration once more and George let go the second he saw that Matt's eyes were rolled into the back of his head. It scared the shit out of him and he quickly backed away from the crazed man. Matt ran straight at him and tackled him to the ground, creating a loud thud as they both fell.

Vanessa and Jordon helped Jorel to his feet whilst he struggled to stop coughing and they had to hold him up before he went crashing back down to the ground. They looked over at George and Matt and saw that George was having more success in fighting the possessed man but was still getting heavily battered. Jorel got pissed off and Jordon and Vanessa weren't able to hold him back from racing towards Matt again.

But this time Matt turned around in time and met Jorel with his fist against his face. The momentum of the punch pushed Jorel back and Matt slowly and menacingly walked up to him as George quickly shuffled away and over to Jordon, having trouble controlling his wheezing.

Matt caught hold of Jorel's shirt and hauled him to his feet before throwing a solid hit to his ribs, causing him to cry out and double over as the pain took over for a second. Matt didn't let him go though and caught of his throat in a tight grip. He turned to face the others and a large grin split across his face as wheezing was audible from both Jorel and George. Jorel was desperately trying to find a way to loosen Matt's grip on his throat but he was getting weaker and weaker as the seconds ticked by quickly.

"Jay!" Vanessa screamed, tears starting to leak down her face, as he started to turn purple and Matt just laughed as he felt the struggles slowly down enormously. Jorel started to lose consciousness and George pulled away from Jordon as he desperately tried to find a way to save Jorel.

Jorel passed out, falling limp in his arms but Matt still didn't ease up his grip and Vanessa kept screaming at him to let go but he just kept on laughing. That was until he was stunned silent. A large book bounced off his head and it stunned him enough to let go of Jorel, who went crashing to the ground. He turned around to see George standing there with the large book in his head. George raised it high up again and Matt only managed to get one thing out before the book came back down to his skull, causing him to fall to the ground and he smacked his head on the coffee table in front of them, knocking him out cold.

"You are all going to die!" Matt screamed before he fell.

Vanessa rushed up to Jorel's side and started crying heavily as he wasn't breathing. "He's not breathing!" She screamed at them all and Jordon rushed forward. He begun doing CPR on Jorel as George fell down on the couch, trying his hardest to not pass out.

Jordon started on the third round of compressions and Jorel suddenly coughed himself back to life at the exact same time the Ouija board came flying into the room, landing on the floor next to the still unconscious Jorel. This terrified them all but Vanessa was more focused on making sure that Jorel kept breathing, which to their relief, he did.

They couldn't wake him up but he was breathing. Jordon went to pick the board up to take it back to the kitchen but it started to shake when his hand went near it. He pulled back and they could all hear the planchette bouncing around inside the box.

"Somebody wants to talk" Vanessa whispered as she met Jordon's scared eyes. "It's Danny. He's come to say hi" Dylan whispered from where he had cuddled up to the now unconscious George on the couch. Vanessa, Anna and Jordon shared worried looks as they know what happened the last time they talk to Danny through the Game. "I told you all Danny wouldn't ditch us" He added as he tried to not to follow George in falling asleep.

"We can only find out." Anna muttered and this shocked the other two as they know she was the most scared of going near the board due to what happened the day before.

But they didn't argue with her as they know she is right. The box opened itself and as they watched, the game slid out and the planchette fell on the letter G.

"We don't have a choice" Vanessa said but then realized that she didn't remember seeing Dylan in the room during the actual fight. So she couldn't figure out why he was on the verge of passing out and why he was quickly going paler as they spoke.

"Dylan?" She called and he just grunted in response, his eyes had slipped shut and he couldn't open them up again. Anna rushed up to him and made him sit up by pulling him up by his wrists and Dylan hissed in pain as it brought him around just a tiny bit more.

Anna pulled away and found that her hands were covered in blood. "Dylan!" Anna cried as Jordon jumped to his feet and rushed over to them, seeing the blood on her hands. He then rolled back Dylan's sleeves and they found many deep slashes in his wrists. "Fuck!" Jordon exclaimed as Anna rushed into the kitchen for the first aid kit which was sitting under the sink in case of emergencies.

She came rushing back in and Jordon quickly got out what he needed to patch him up before he bled to death. "Fucking hell Dylan" Jordon grunted as he wiped away all the blood so that he could see the extent of the self-inflicted wounds. He got out needle and thread and instantly went to work before their brother bleeds dry.

Dylan slipped unconscious as Jordon worked to fix him up and after a panicked five minutes, Jordon had managed to get everything under control.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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