The Guilt Trip

11 1 4

Central Square
9:00 am
Don't be late
Bring no one

Kailey never fails to amaze Sheila. Even on this short little note Sheila still knows how Kailey's brain works and what she is up against. She knows it would be stupid to not bring back-up, but she also knows it would be smart to listen to Kailey's letter.

Sheila crumples the note and shoves it into her jean pocket and she heads to Central Square alone, without a word to her crew. She ambles the few blocks with a gun hidden in the inside of her designer military jacket.

Central square is a square platform made of stone in the center of Gu'ua. On the square platform are various venders easily making sales from jewelry, quick food, or paintings. There are minimal tables fixed with two stools on the platform giving a space for those who purchase food to sit while they eat.

Sheila takes a seat across from Kailey, her long sharp nails painted with a pale pink color as she drinks her Starbucks flipping through her phone.

"Iced coffee with milk, I see nothing has changed." Kailey's coffee colored eyes flick upward and harden as she sees Sheila.

"And yet you still pronounce milk as malk. Old habits die hard. Here get yourself a cup." She hands a crisp twenty dollar bill over to Sheila, who leaves the money on the table. Kailey shrugs and puts the twenty back into her organized wallet.

"Did you bring back-up?" Kailey asks Sheila to which Sheila replies honestly and Kailey smirks upward. "Good." Her fingers tap against the metal table at an irregular beat.

"Look Kailey, can't we just end this—" Kailey's piercing laugh shuts Sheila up instantly and everyone surrounding them turns to look at Kailey, and then look away. Kailey grips Sheila's wrist, her nails digging deep into her skin.

"You know what you have to do to end this, until then I won't forgive you." Sheila sighs, her left leg bouncing up and down.

"It's so petty." Kailey's lips curl upward that to everyone else looking at them would think is a smile but Sheila knows all too well that she means anything but a friendly smile.

"Yet here you are anyway. All you have to do—don't roll your eyes at me, you know I have power over you no matter how many members are in your crew. I'm unstoppable and you are the only person who can get me to stop because you are the person who got me started. Besides, it started out with you being petty, it's going to end with me making you be petty. Not everyone has the privilege to make a choice Sheila." Kailey snarls Sheila's name as if it was a poison.

"Kailey think reasonably. This won't make anything better."

"Do you think I care?" Kailey's voice remains neutral as Sheilas face slowly turns into a tomato. "You know," Kailey begins to inspect her nails "I could've just sued and your parents would no longer have their business because with you not having been legal yet, would've forced them to pay and go bankrupt." Kailey clasps her fingers together. "But I always had a soft spot for your parents. They always offered me a place to sleep, they never failed to offer me food, they were more of a parent to me than my own parents were and what did you do? Well you were my best friend, my only friend, but then you decided to hide my stuff all around town and send me on a scavenger hunt to find it all and end with a note by the dumpster just around the corner that reads and I quote 'enjoy your new home, I figured this place will fit your personality'. At first I laughed thinking it was all a joke but then I opened up twitter seeing that I was tagged in a post and you know what it said? Do you even remember?"

Sheila casts her eyes downwards as she mutters "best friends suck, all they do is make your boyfriend cheat on you".

"Glad to know you remember the lie. Now do it or everyone here dies and the blame is put on you." Sheila glances around Central Square and see exactly seven people looking at the phone facing away from Kailey and Sheila. Seven, Kailey's favorite number. Sheila gulps as she stares Kailey straight into her crinkling eyes. "You have thirty seconds before I send the message." Kailey cocks her head to the side as Sheila's head pounds.

"I" Sheila's voice gets caught in her throat and Kailey taunts her pressuring an answer out of her. "Is, Isn't there another option?"

"Don't make me send the message. You know that I don't want innocents to die."

"Then kill them."

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