Chapter One

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     I am Emma Swan, Bella Swans older twin sister. Unlike my sister I prefer wolves over vampires. When me and Bella chose to move in with our Dad I was Ecstatic! I couldn't wait till we got to forks! Once the plane landed and I saw Dad I ran over and Hugged him tight. He hugged me back gently and awkwardly patted my back. You see, unlike my father and twin sister I LOVE hugs. I mean I don't like showing my feelings all that much, I am very quiet, and I prefer being alone however I love hugging people. I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My Full name is Emma Danielle Swan and I am two minutes older than my twin sister Bella. I am seventeen years old. I love the idea of the supernatural existing. Anyways back to the story. The car ride to the house is awkward. Bella and Dad make small talk while I just watch the trees pass by out the window. Once we get home it is just as awkward. The three of us walk inside the house. Me and Bella survey our surroundings. I see pictures of when me and Bella were little making my lips curve upwards slightly. "Let me get your bags" Dad says to Bella considering I am still carrying my bags "No, it's fine," Bella protests as they both reach for the bags. Bella pulls her hands back awkwardly letting Dad carry the bags upstairs me and Bella following. He heads to the attic first. When me and Bella get there my mouth drops open in complete and utter amazement. Right in front of my eyes is my dream bedroom. All the walls are painted slightly different. The first wall is painted  a light lilac color with yellow swirls at the bottom. The second wall is painted the same beautiful lilac however all across the middle are black music notes. The third wall is painted lilac again except in silver the words Family is Power are written. Than the fourth wall is painted to show the forest and in between the trees there is a chocolate brown blur. The rest of the room is just as incredible. The floor is all wooden. There is an empty bookshelf that looks like it could fit at least a hundred books. Their is a big circular window on the fourth wall(The fourth wall is across from the door, so when you open the door you see the forest)that opens. Under that is a window seat. The window seat is white wood with lilac fluff on top then to top it off on top is white fluffy pillows. Against the second wall is a white vanity with silver swirls dancing on it. On the third wall(to the right of the door)under the quote lays a fluffy bed. The bed is white with pillows that are different shades of purple. The blanket was white and fluffy. On the first wall there is a walk in closet. There is also stairs leading to another platform with a white beanbag chair along with an electric, acoustic, and bass guitar as well as a keyboard and microphone stand. On the first wall is a flat screen T.V. By the bookshelf there is a white chair with a dark purple circular pillow. A couple feet ahead of the empty bookshelf was a backless magenta sofa. "What the...."I trail off looking around the room completely shell shocked. "I-Is this m-my...."I stutter. Dad nods with a smile. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!THANK YOU,YOU'RE THE BEST!"I squeal joyfully as I run up and hug him tightly. He chuckles and pats my back. Dad then walks out with Bella following probably to go show Bella her room. After taking in every single detail of my room I head downstairs. Just  as I reach the bottom of the stairs I hear a car engine. I go over to the window and see a red truck and a black motorcycle. I turn and see Bella walking down the stairs. I open the door and step out making sure to hold the door open for Bella. Once Bella steps out I shut the door. I watch as a young Quileute with Black hair that reached his shoulders and Warm brown eyes got a wheelchair out and helped out a man who I think is his father. He too has shoulder length black hair and welcoming eyes. They look familiar. As I try to remember their names they are all talking. I finally remember who they are and I jump on the younger boy. "JACOB!"I yell happily as he catches me while laughing. "Hey, Emmy," he says using my childhood nickname. "I missed you!" I say smiling "So like your homecoming presents?" Dad asks. "What?" I question. "Wait ,these are ours?" Bella asks smiling "Yep, just bought them off Billy here" He tells us. I go over to the motorcycle and run my hands over it. Bella and Jacob get in the truck and talk a little. I know for a fact that Jacob isn't going to our school because there is a high school on the reservation. Soon Billy and Jacob leave and it is night. I say goodnight to Bella and Dad and head up to my room. When I reach it I look around while smiling to myself. I then get in my bed and slowly drift to sleep.

So, how did I do? I hope you all liked this chapter and I promise it will get better soon. Please comment I would love to know what you all think. Love you guys!

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