The Deal

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Hello Guys This is the second Story I've written so please give me some tips on what I should work on and please dont be rude about it! Now on with the story! Also there will be some ooc in the characters

Hinata walked through the door's of Konoha High School hoping that she wouldn't Sakura and Naruto for a particular reason. Hinata then began to walk to her Locker as she saw Sakura and Naruto making out against the lockers. Hinata felt as if her sunk into her stomach. She didnt know why it still made her this sad... Its been 2 months ever since Naruto and Sakura have been dating.

She has scene that happened at the lockers over 10 times. Every time she saw it, Hinata died a little inside. She just shook her head and just pretended as if they weren't there ( Which she was doing terrible at) and took her books out of her locker and speed walked to her class. As soon as she sat in her seat the most popular guy came up to her... Sasuke.

"Hey there Cutie" Sasuke said with his dazzling smile that always stole the ladies hearts, but not Hinata she just pretended as if he wasn't there and started getting out last nights homework. She just wasn't interested in a person like Sasuke who has an ego just because he can steal a couple of ladies heart he thinks he can steal all of their hearts which is absurd . Sasuke dropped a piece of folded paper on his desk and went to his seat. Hinata opened up the letter to see: Meet me behind the school at 3:00 p.m. Aka Afterschool. She sighed and stuffed it into her pocket.

Kurunai-Sensei came in and said: "Ok everyone open up page 145 in your english textbooks." School dragged on forever and was really boring but all the students just had to stuck it up and bear with it.

Finally, it was afterschool. 'Should I really do this? I already know its a love confession so why should I go if I already know? Well I guess I'll just go... Just to be nice and not stand him up' Hinata then walked behind the school where she just sighed and told herself 'Lets just get this get this over with...'

Sasuke saw her and the cleared his Voice. "I have a deal that you might be interested in"

Hinata just blinked. Mostly Just in confusion in why would Sasuke ask her about a deal? It made no connection to a love confession whatsoever.

"It involves Naruto"

She then thought 'What type of deal would Sasuke give me that involves Naruto?' She looked at Sasuke. " What type of deal is it?"

Sasuke then walked up closer to her and whispered in her ear "Its simple We pretend to date and make Naruto and Sakura Jealous"

Hinata takes some steps backs in shock "H-h-huh What do you mean? I-I-I don't even like Naruto!!! Hinata was blushing like crazy and stumbling on her feet as she accidently fell on the floor

"C'mon the way you stare at him during class and the way you look depressed when he and Sakura make out" Sasuke teased

Hinata was as red as tomato she got off from the floor and dusted herself off and her faced turned into embaresment to Confidence as she says "I'm In". She didnt hear the part about Sakura the momwnt she heard Naruto she blanked out for 2 seconds and continued listening to Sasuke. Yes, This is how much Hinata us in love with Naruto and there wasn't anything we could about that.

Ill try and update everyday comments  are appreciated

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