Chapter 8: the effects of what ive done

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Sully POV**

. With a sadness in my heart I ask Cornelius, "Who are we checking on first?" Cornelius continues to steer, "Were starting with those not quite as effected first, then well work our way back to those most effected." the doctor adds in, "meaning were starting with Elsa of Arendale." I nod and stat silent as we continue onwards. Time to see everything I've messed up....  

. We park in the middle of Pixar street. I frown. I mean, sure its night time, but parking a bright red hovercraft time machine in the middle of a highly populated street? Come on! "Won't someone see us?" the doctor smiles and shakes his head, "no. Were merely ghosting through right now." my eyebrows raise, "ghosting?" Cornelius explains, "we can see them and hear them and we can I observe the time period right now. But nobody can see ys because we are merely observing." I nod understanding.

. we begin to head towards Elsas ice palace. I look up at the cloudless sky and observe the humid air. "when are we exactly?" The Doctor says, "its-what should have been-Russel and Emily's wedding night. What should have been the most wonderful night filled with dreams and hopes for the future, is now a terrible mess of tears, death and anxiety." I gulp and mumble sorry.

. We reach Elsas ice palace and the doctor nods his head to the window, "have a look Sully." gulping in fear and wipe away some of the frost on the window and look in. Oh no...what happened?

. Elsa stands by the fireplace. One hand over her heart, and the other hand reaching to the fire. But....she can't be Elsa. I mean....shes frozen. She's a statue made of ice! Beside her feet, Olaf hugs her and sobs heavy tears. I turn to Cornelius and The Doctor. "What happened?!" The doctor pulls out a small booklet that is thick in pages. "before you came to me, Sully, I charted what happened to everyone you affected by saving Boo. Let me find Elsa." I gawk at him, "there's so much writing! How did you finish that before I got to you!?" Cornelius chuckles, "were time travelers. What took a few moments for us to reach the doctor, the doctor time traveled and took about three years writing that journal." I nod and finally the doctor says, "aha!" as though he had found Elsas page.

. The doctor looks at his book and reads aloud, "Miss Elsa Frost of Arendale. Oh accident, she gave herself a frozen heart. She kept it hidden from Olaf until it was too late. She froze. Elsa is-in a sense-dead...She was 27 years old. Never married. Never really had a friend." I frown, "how is her giving herself a frozen heart my fault?!" Cornelius remarks, "Emily was really Elsas only friend. She could have unfroze her heart. But you know what? Elsa obtained the frozen heart yesterday. The day she was supposed to be throwing a bachelorette patty. If she had been throwing a party she never would have obtained a fozen heart in the first place." I look at Olaf sobbing his powerful tears. "where's Ollie, Olive, and Olivia?" Cornelius answers this time, "they never existed. Emily never dated Russel and never went to help build a snowman at Elsas house. The kids never existed. Olaf built Ollie but Elsa never awoke in the middle of the night with jitters about the plan to rescue Emily. So she never knew about Olaf being lonely and, hence, never created Ollie, Olive, or Olivia."

. Gulping I back away from the window. Absolutely sick to my stomach. "So far, I've killed Elsa and made it so Olaf never had his snowman family." Cornelius sighs and nods, "Yes. And this is just the beginning. There's much more to come." I nod and gulp, "where to next?" The doctor looks through his journal, "Collette Gusteau." I nod and follow him back to the hovercraft.

. We fly through space and end up in France. I look around, "are we still in the same time? I mean is it still their wedding night? Or what was supposed to be Boo and Russels wedding night?" Cornelius nods, "same time too. Still midnight." we walk the lonely and silent streets of Paris. Not much to see except a few late nighters, some artists sketching the dreary moon. And a few homeless perusing the streets. Finally we reach an apartment complex. Its rather small and old looking. I look, "this is where Collette lives?" they both nod.

Boo's wedding day (sequeal to Boo's teenage years)Where stories live. Discover now