The Day He Came Part 1

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  Study Hall

~~~~~~Alicia ~~~~~~

     I was reading my favorite book, The City Of Glass by Cassandra Clare. I was up to the part where the heroine, Clary, had saved her true loves life, Jace. Then,  my best friend,Delilah, interrupts my reading by poking me.

Alicia( Ali): *looks up at her annoyed* what?!

Delilah(Lila): Hello to you to. *sits down next to her*

Ali: You interrupted my reading. Shoot yourself. *laughs*

Lila:*laughs* Wow. What are you reading?

Ali:*smirks* The City of Glass.

Lila: *jumps up* NO WAY! Me too!!! High Five!!

Ali: *high fives her and laughs* What part are you on?

Lila: That part where Clary goes all crazy when she thinks Simon is dead.

Ali: I like that part. I bet it was awkward.

Lila: Right! Oh new kid alert! *pointing at a boy across the library* Lets go meet him* jumps up excitedly*

Ali: Do we have too?

Lila: yes come on! *pulls her to the boy* Hey I'm Delilah and this is Alicia.*points to Alicia*

Boy: *smiles* I'm Christopher. and she is my sister *points to girl across the library* and those are my friends *points to group of boys*

Ali and Lila: *mouths drops* Lil Miss Popularity??!!!! 

Chris: Yeah...

Ali: If you're related to Christina then how come you just enrolled?

Chris: I was transferred to this school. I was IBA first.

Ali: Oh. So what you're saying is mean girl is your sister?

Chris: Christina? Mean? Whaaaat? No way she is super nice.

Lila: Are we talking about the same girl. Christina picks on us just because we're nerds. 

Chris: You two? nerds?? Liars...Christina?? Liars.

Lila: Seriously. I'll prove it. *walks over to Christina and her posse*  Hi Christina.

Christina( Tina): *turns around and smiles* Hi Delilah!! How are you?

lila: *annoyed* Why are you being nice to me? You know you dont care.

tina:* confused* what? I'm confused...

Lila: Dont play dumb with me! UGH! Forget it. *walks back over mad* 

Chris: Exactly what did you prove? nothing. Catch you girls later.*walks off*

Ali: Nice first impression Lila...

Lila: Shut up...I cant believe she acted like we're all cool and stuff.

Ali: Yeah. Oh look Valerie is here!

Valerie is one of my friends.  She is Miss Popularity Which makes Christina( lil miss popularity) her friend. *rolls eyes* but its all cool.

Valerie( Val):* to posse* Hey! Lets Go over to my friends.

Tina and Asia:* rolls eyes* uggggh fine.*they all walk over to Ali and Lila*

Val: Hi guys!

Ali: Hi.

Lila: Hi Val *skips over Tina* Hi Asia

Tina:*rolls eyes*

Asia: Dont talk to me...*Val glares at her* I mean Hi.*fake smiles*

Val: So whats up?

Ali: Reading

Lila: same

Val: *playfully rolls eyes* You guys are so lame.

Tina & Asia: * mumbling* tell me about it...

Val: *hears them and glares at them* Anyways catch you guys later!

Lila and Ali: Okay bye.

Val and her crew walk away.

Lila and Ali:  i have something to tell you. You first.

Ali: lets go at the same time. on 3 1...2...3!

Lila and Ali: I like Chris!*cover mouths* OMG


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