Ch. 2-New beginnings?

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*Logan's POV*
After she walked away, I blushed a little bit. I mean, how cute was she?

My phone buzzed. It was Kendall.
"Hey man, what's up?"

"Hey, Gustavo wants us down at the studio to record a new song." Kendall said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few." Then I hung up. Guess I better get to the studio...

When I got to the studio, the other boys were already there, fixing to get into the recording booth.

"It's about time" Gustavo yelled coming up from behind me and scaring me. I jumped a little. Carlos, James, and Kendall all laughed. I rolled my eyes then went to join them in the recording booth.

The song took forever to record. The whole time I was thinking about the girl I had met earlier, Bella. I guess I was totally zoned out...

"Logan, LOGAN... " Gustavo and the boys yelled.

"Yy-yeah?" I said coming out of the daze.

"That was actually...    not bad. You are all good to go for the day. See you Monday." Gustavo said.

"Enjoy your weekend." Kelly, his assistant, said.

We all rushed out of there like little kids playing tag.

"I call dibs on the pool" Kendall said

"I call dibs on all the hot girls in Palm Woods Park" said James

"Ooh, I call dibs on the Jennifers" Carlos said.

I laughed. We all headed for the door with big smiles on our faces. As we opened the door, our smiles quickly faded. It was already dark.

"Uhhhhhhhhh" Kendall said throwing his hands up.

We all drooped back to the palm woods.

"I'm going back to the apartment." James said.

"Maybe a movie?" Kendall suggested.

"Ooh, ooh... Zombie Aliens 3!!"  Carlos squealed like a little girl. Kendall and James looked at Carlos, then at each other, then back at Carlos. Carlos had his eyes closed and fingers crossed.
"Please. Please. Please."

"Fine" they both said disappointedly.

"Yes!!! Zombie Aliens here I come!" Carlos said while jumping up and down. He tapped his helmet twice then ran up to the apartment.

"Hey Logan, you coming?" Kendall asked.

"Um, no I think I'm just gonna hang out here in the lobby for a while."

"You sure? Are you alright?" he asked "I've noticed you seem zoned out today;like something's been on you mind?"

"Oh, no. I'm fine. Just tired, you know, from recording and everything." I said trying to get him off my back. "I'll come up there later"

"Ok" he said than left in he elevator.

I pulled out my phone....
                    Coffee Shop Bella...


*Bella's POV*
Finally!!! Work is done for the week! I locked up the store and went home. All day all I could think about was Logan. Wait, what am I saying? He's a...stranger? A stranger who stood up for me....and protected me? But he's a cute stranger?! Wow! Just listen to me. What has this town done to me? I'm falling for a stranger. But man... Those dimples and that smile..... STOP IT BELLA...  What am I kidding? He's probably just some guy that flirts with every girl and makes them fall for him.          I'm fine. It's okay. I'm in LA. There are plenty of fish in the sea plus I am here for my career, not boys.

When I got home, I locked the door and put everything down on the table. Just then, my phone buzzed...

I grabbed it out of my pocket and looked at then notification.

A message from....
             Coffee Shop Logan

"Yes" I thought.. "wait no." I placed my phone on the table.  I paced back and forth "My heart says yes but my head is telling me no. What do I do... What do I do?"  I stopped and looked at the message on my phone sitting on the table. "Oh what the heck."  I picked up my phone....

To be continued..... 🤣

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