Chapter 1

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Newt's P.O.V~

The doctors had been in the room with Tommy for about half an hour at this point. I had been left in the back of the room out of the way, meaning that I can't see him nor what they're doing. I'm starting to feel worried though, because for the 30 minutes I've been sat here no one's re-entered my line of sight. I start tapping my foot to try and relieve some of the stress of not knowing what was happening behind that curtain.

It's not working...

I stop tapping my foot after a few minutes when my ankle starts hurting. I lift my leg up onto the chair to check it. "Are you alright?" I look up to see one of the doctors looking at me. I nod slowly rubbing my ankle. "Yeah I'm alright. It's just an old injury from running The Maze." He walks over to me and reaches for my ankle. I move my hands back allowing him to feel it. "I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. It's healed as much as it's going to. It didn't heal properly when it broke so there isn't anything we can do to fix it. I'm sorry." I shake my head as he stands back up. "It's alright. I didn't think it'd be fixable. Just make sure he's alright." He nods before walking back behind the curtain.

It's been 10 minutes since the doctor went back behind the curtain. I'm starting to get worried now. I just want to be over there. I don't want him to be on his own.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the same doctor opens the curtain slightly and walks over to me smiling slightly. "We've cleaned up all of his cuts, stitched up the wound on his stomach and made sure he doesn't have a concussion or anything similar due to blood loss." He gestures for me to stand up so I do and follow him behind the curtain where the doctors are cleaning their instruments. "There don't appear to be signs of any problems. So as long as someone helps him walk for about an hour and he doesn't do any running or any strenuous activity, then we can allow you to take him back to your friends." I nod quickly as the other doctors leave the room. Some looking back at us with a sorrowful expression on their face. "Thank you." They each nod and leave the room sending one last look to the two of us. "If he rests up for a couple of hours it will allow the wounds to close properly. But he won't be completley healed for at least a few days." I look down at Tommy he was trying to sit up. "Do you have a rough estimate, I don't like seeing my friends in pain is all." He nods again before looking at the stitches as Tommy pulls on a shirt. "Well, the stitches will dissolve in about a week, but they'll stop causing any irritation after 3 days most likely. Just take it easy so they don't open up and he'll be fine." I nod and look down at him as he swings his legs off the bed. "Okay, thank you."

I wait as Tommy starts getting up before grabbing onto his arm. "Come on, let's get you back to the others." He nods and pulls himself off the bed with some difficulty. "Do you know where you're going?" I shake my head. "No but we know the general direction." The doctor holds the curtain for us. "Would you like someone to walk you there?" I shake my head slowly. "No it's alright." The doctor nods curtly before leaving the room. "How are you Tommy?" He shrugs his shoulder slightly. "I've definitley been better. But I suppose I've been worse aswell." I look at him shocked as we start walking. "How have you been in worse condition." We stay quiet as we walk past one of the guards. "I'm not shot." I smile slightly and look back at him. "Yeah, and you better not get shot either."

He smiles his usual lopsided smile at me. "I have no plans on it. It bloody hurts." I look over at him quickly. "Did you just...?" He starts laughing before responding to me. "I guess you've rubbed off on me. Not suprised given all the time we've spent together." I laugh with him for a few seconds before he stops.

He walks a bit slower before looking back at me. "Newt, Teresa spoke to me while they were stitching me up. They already spoke to her." I look at my feet for a second not wanting to ask. He must've picked up on that because he kept talking. "She spoke to me while they were speaking to her, I think she did it to block out what they were saying Newt, I think she's going to stay with us." I look back up at him. "Yeah, but she stayed with us for a while last time too." He nods his head slightly. "True, but something was wrong from the start. I couldn't name it so I ignored it." I sigh as we get to the room with the most noise coming from it. "I assume this is us." We hear Minho shouting from inside. "Definitely us." Tonmy sighs happily. "Thank god, I feel like my legs are about to collapse."

He reached down and opened the door. Once we had closed it again the Gladers pulled us inside properly. They handed us each a plate of food to which Tommy laughed. "You saved us food? I'm suprised Ho didn't eat it all." Minho laughed slightly. "Yeah well, you got stung twice mate, you're gonna need it." Teresa walked over to us with Chuck once the others had gone back to their own conversations. "Thanks Tom." He shakes his head. "No need. Besides it stopped me from yelling while they were stitching me up so thank you." She smiled and moved off with Chuck.

After me and Tonmy had eaten I spoke up again. "Was it that bad?" He nods his head. "They didn't realise how long it would take to stitch up the wound so they didn't give me enough anestetic, meaning that halfway through it had worn off." I frown at him slightly as he manages to place our plates on the pile with the other Glader's plates. He sits back down quickly, and leans into me pulling me into his chest. "Newt It's okay. Really." I sit up slightly pulling him into a kiss. "No it's not. One of those stings is my fault Tommy... I keep causing you pain and I can't bare it. One of those stings is my fault, the wound on your stomach is my fault because I let you get hurt instead of Alby, I hurt you mentally by having you kill me. I don't understand how you can say you like me after everything I've done to you..." He pulls me into a kiss before I can finish what I'm saying. He pulls away after a few seconds and pulls me into a hug as he starts whispering. "Newt, none of that matters to me okay? You didn't make me kill you to hurt me. And me getting hurt is not your fault alright? It never has been, and never will be." He hugs me tighter ignoring when it causes himself to flinch. "And Newt, I don't just like you okay? I love you. I love you so much." I pull away so that I don't have to worry about his stitches. "I love you too Tommy." He pulls me back into a hug as the others carry on with their conversations allowing us to talk.

A few hours later Ratman walks back into the room. I feel Tommy tense slightly beside me as he enters the room. "I'm glad to see you looking better, I just wanted to ask if I could have a word with Thomas?" I hear Thomas take a deep breath before nodding and standing up as well as he could. The two leave the room and the door closes behind them. I see Minho go to get up but Teresa beats him to it and sits next to me. "He'll be alright Newt. They just want to know what we remember about WCKD." I look over to her slowly. "Teresa, they are WCKD." She nods. "I know Newt, but he'll be fine." I nod and turn to look at the door. "He better be." I watch the door, wishing it to open as I hear the Gladers head to bed. I caught some of the conversations they were having, most of it was them just hoping Janson doesn't remember too.

Oh my god, what if he does?

What do we do then?

What if he tries to do something to Tommy before we can even make an escape plan?

No Newt, you can't think like that right now. Just wait for Tommy to get back and ask him. Then you can freak out. But only if he does. Other wise it's a waste of energy. Just be patient, and wait.

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