Chapter 16

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Thomas's P.O.V~

It's been two weeks since I sent the other's away. The day after the pilot got back I was moved to a smaller facility, where they were keeping some of the more... resistant immunes. Newt hasn't come to get me so I'm glad he seemed to listened to me.

This facility is smaller than the last one, but it's still huge. Janson managed to find me a small room at the back of the facility. The day I was moved here, Janson got one of the guards to find some handcuffs. An hour later, the guard comes back into the room and handcuffs my hand to the side of the bed.

A couple days ago however I talked back to Janson, so he moved my handcuffs further up so that I have to stand up all the time. Meaning that every morning when I wake up my arm is completley numb and dead.

Janson opens the door, followed, as usual, by two guards. One of them undoes my handcuffs, the other pushing me towards the door. "Hurry it up Thomas." I keep my head down but speed up a little.

He leads me down the corridor, into the room of hell as I call it. As always, he pushes me into the chair as the doctors wire me up. "We're placing him into the longer sim. He'll be in for the rest of the day." What does he mean longer sim? What's he had made? One of the doctors looked up at him from beside me. "Are you sure? We still don't know how it'll affect him." Janson looks down at me before looking back to the doctor. "Will it kill him?" The doctor falters, looking between the two of us. "Well... no. But..." Janson holds up his hand interrupting him. "Plug him in. If your worried just speed up the progression." The doctor nods slowly, almost ashamed, of what he's about to do.


When I open my eyes again, I'm back in The Glade, for the third time. It was different. The box opened, with no one staring down at me. Clambering out of the box I see the maze doors open and the sky was turned off. I spot someone stood by the doors, but before I could make them out they run inside. Running after them I see the doors are starting to close. Slower than usually so I might be able to make it.

Running as fast as I can, I just manage to push through the doors. But thinking about it now I don't know why I did it. I could call out for that Glader from before, but it would probably attract Grievers to my location. It's probably a better idea to move quietly.

As I start moving the walls begin to morph. I stop moving when the sun turns back on again. Looking up, I realise that not only is the sun back on, but there are decaying buildings jutting out from the behind the maze walls.

Once the walls have fully decayed, they turn to dust and fade away. Leaving me stranded, in the blazing heat of The Scorch. I hear Berg's flying over my head a few minutes after I get there. I run under cover just as they start passing over head.

As I crawl out of the rubble, the buildings seem to fade. The mountains bringing themselves closer to me. I don't move, but once theycstop moving I find myself upon the seen where Minho gets kidnapped. I try to run over to him. To stop them, but I can't get there. I'm running towards him but they aren't getting any closer.

I stop running once the Berg takes off, Minho held captive inside of it. Once again the scene around me changes as the Berg flies out of eye shot.

Looking around I find myself on the roof. Where Newt told me he was infected. But he isn't here. Walking back inside the others I realise none of them are here. All of the preparations are here. All the half eaten food. But none of the people. None of my friends, not a single one.

As I got to leave the building, towards the city, I notice the scene changing again. The Last City in flames. The people from Crank Palace, burning it to the ground. Filling the streets with bodies, both WCKD and their own. But there's still no one with me. No Gally. No injured, tired Minho. No Newt almost past the gone, too tired to walk on his own.

I'm almost glad. But I know what's coming up next.

I make my way through the fighting, avoiding the fire, bullets and launchers as best as I can. I feel myself start to slow when I spot the empty open space I fought Newt in.

It doesn't last long though. Almost instantly, as I set foot in the vicinity. I'm tackled to the ground once again. I force my eyes shut not wanting to look at him again. I reach down for my gun, if I can get to it before he does I can end it.

As I stretch my fingers reaching for the gun I feel him remove it from the holster first. I open my eyes quickly to see him holding the gun to his head, for what must be the hundreth time since I gave myself up. Like every time, almost as if it's become an instict, I smack the gun away. "No!" He follows the gun before growling at me.

I push him off of me as gently as I can. "Newt. Please. Stop this." I see his arm reach behind him for his knife. Before he can point it at me, I lunge for him. Just managing to latch onto his arm. "Stop!" He swings his arm just about anyway, slicing my chest a bit.

I flinch backwards at the contact, allowing him to tackle me again. He plunges the knife into my chest again. My brain begins to feel like mush as he does. I drop my arms to my side, letting go of his wrist. Without me to stop him he starts to plunge the knife deeper.

"...out! Pull him out now!"


I feel my eyes open slightly. Aswell as something wet running down my face. When one of my arms is unplugged I reach up to feel just below my nose. Pulling my hand away I see blood coating my nose. "What were you playing at?!" I drag my head up to see Janson stood above me. "What..?" He bends down to look me in the eye. "I said what where you playing at?" I felt my nose again, yep still bleeding. "I couldn't... my head... hurt like alot. Also, can have like a tissue or something?" One of the doctors hands me a couple. "Thanks." I place it under my nose, tilting my head back a little, after the doctor tells me to.

Janson sighs standing back up. "We're done for the day. We can check his brain patterns after I have him taken back to his room." One of the guards helps me stand up from the chair. Taking most of my weight as we walk back to my room.

I thought they might not handcuff me seen as I can't even stand up by myself, but nope. They still handcuff me to the bed so that I can't sit down.

Reaching down onto the bed I mark down another day. Time to try to reach the three of them again.

"Didn't think so. Well I'm back from Janson. I don't feel so good, but at least I'm alive."

"Tom?! Where are you?"
"Teresa! And I don't know, somewhere between the facility and The Last City."
"You don't sound too good are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Just a bloody nose."
"He put me in a new sim, one that wasn't completely safe, it made my brain hurt giving me a pretty bad nose bleed and Janson pulling me out of the sim. Wait more importantly, where are you?"
"I'm doing checks making sure there's no  Cranks around. Seen as the three of us can talk. One us waits at base, the other two go in two small groups to check."
"Are you all okay? Did they manage to get to you?"
"Thomas they got to us fine you idiot."
"Phew, that's good."
"Thomas are you okay? Like seriously okay?"
"Not really. Also, I'm probably gonna pass out soon... Oh! Don't come here. It's heavily guarded... make sure to... tell Newt..."

Just as I mention passing out my legs start to go limp, my nose starts bleeding again and my vision goes black. I really hope he doesn't put me back in that one tomorrow.

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