[0.6] q & a

30 4 2

So h i !

I asked people to leave questions for me so this is a chance for me to tell you about myself, as well as the book.

Any future q & a(s), or anything of that sort will be posted on my personal book, Love Myself, but since the questions revolve more or less on this book as well, I'm posting it here too.

1. How long is Every Bridge going to be?
Every Bridge was planned to be only 30 chapters- but then I realized how much character development and build up I had to do so about-

35-40 chapters?? Depends on how much stuff I put the boys through 😂😂

That's not something I should laugh about// le slaps

What a sadist.

2. Can you please give us a tiny weeny sneak peek?
Should I?

I can only give you a hint, I guess.

He is the beginning of an end.
You tried,
But I still don't know how to stop.
They are coming to break us.

1 down. 6 to go.

3. On a slightly different topic, are you ready for Burn The Stage?
I MEAn I'm not ShOoK whatsoever-

Burn the Stage just proves the struggles the boys face behind the camera so-


4. Did you make the cover for this book? It's really beautiful.
I wish I could say that- joke.

No, the one who made this gorgeous cover of mine is my friend, LisaChanyeolGF.

She's incredible.

J'etaime mon amie 💞

5. Cliche question, but meh. If you were stuck on an island what are three things you would keep?
Oof- I don't know tbh. I'm dumb when it comes to those things.

Books. Food. Pillow.

There. 'Nuff said I think.

6. When did you first get into Kpop and who was the first group you listened to?
Kpop was popular even then- I got into Kpop bc of Super Junior's Sorry Sorry.

Legit in 2009, wonder girls and suju were the bomb.

7. When did you become an Army?
oh my poor unfortunate soul knew the kids ever since 2013 but I started actively stanning them in 2014.

aka since the beginning.

8. Who was your first bias? Who is your current bias?
My bias was Jin. Well no- I liked him first but then Jimin wrecked my ass-

Then I started liking V-

And the others, I mean can I even pick?

Rn it's Namjoon that's stealing and snatching my wig..

9. Are your parents ok with you listening to Kpop? If so, CAN I PLEASE MEET THEM?
My parents find it hilarious that I fawn over these boys- or KPOP in general.

My mom especially loves Jimin and Namjoon- I'm slowly turning her into an Army.

And yes! AHAHA you can meet them one day~

10. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I see myself traveling around the world and being a koala as I sleep my ass off a lot-

11. How far do you think you have come as a writer?
Idk. I have been writing poems and such since I was in 6th grade so I think far enough?

Yet not.

Lmao. You guys be the judge of it and tell me if you want me to show you guys my poems 😂

12. What do you want to improve about yourself as a writer?
As a writer, I think the hardest thing for me to do is dialogues-

I'm an

A w k w a r d potato so...

It's hard for me to make and create conversations- idk why I even have friends :')
Well that's it for today!

Thank you to mah bee AnimeRocks2910 for spamming me the questions- Love ya 💗

Hope you guys enjoyed this~!

BEFORE I FORGET- GO CHECK AND ADD MY PERSONAL BOOK- only if you want to; so that you can always be up to date with me :')

Remember that I love you all! Thank you for the support~ ❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖❣️❣️❣️😘😘😘

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