Chapter 8

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Welcome back to part 8! I hope everyone enjoyed part 7, even tho it didn't save half of it making me rewrite it, which wasn't fun😂✌🏼 so please enjoy part 8!
I woke up the next day with only one thought in my head and it was Zach. My mom got home really late last night so she was too tired to make me breakfast or even ask me if everything was okay while she was gone. All she did was wave me goodbye and then rushed out the door to go to work. Walking to the bus stop I was the first one there for awhile actually. I started to get worried why the boys weren't here my stomach started to turn. Thankfully I saw them rushing to the bus stop but Zach wasn't with them. "Ummm, why isn't Zach here?" I said confused. "Don't know, he should be here." Said Corbyn. My stomach dropped, was he skipping because of what we did or because he didn't want to look at my face at school. Why wouldn't here be here.

Going to school was fine but Zach still didn't show up. We were all waiting for the bell to ring to go to first period and I was quiet, while all the boys and Christina were talking I couldn't. I was too busy thinking about Zach, he was probably embarrassed by me. I texted him asking where he was and he didn't reply, great avoiding me? I couldn't help thinking this, I always think of the worst. Jack must have noticed me getting distracted and upset cuz he couldn't stop asking me what was wrong. "(Y/n)? What's going on?" Said Jack. "Nothing," I said biting my lips rocking back and forth trying to calm down. "No don't lie to me Cupcake, tell me what's bothering you," He said grabbing my shoulders so I would stay still to look at him. He called me Cupcake, I can't believe it. I had thought after what I said he wouldn't call me by my nickname anymore but I guess he didn't hate me for it. "It's honestly nothing really," I said lying. "(Y/n) I swear if you don't tell me what or who is making you feel this way I will make a scene and embarrass you!" Jack said still grabbing my shoulders shaking me back and forth. "Oh my god it's fine, just calm down," I said grabbing his shoulders back so he would believe me, but he didn't. "I SAID BOOM BOOM NOW LET ME HEAR YOU SAY WAYYHOOOOOOO!!" Jack screamed while jumping around me. My face was the brightest color red ever. Everyone turned to look at us, and while the boys and Christina laughed, I wanted to run away and hide under a rock. "Did you really have to do that Jack!" I said embarrassed. "Yes because you wouldn't tell me why your mad and I deserve to know!" He said crossing his arms. "No you really don't, and it's not a big deal so don't worry," I said annoyed. "Yes it is, I mean if it's not a big deal then why can't you tell me," he said turning his head looking away. At this point I was mad at him for embarrassing me and being nosy when he shouldn't so I blurted out, "fine then! Where is Zach?" I said in defeat. He slowly turned his head back to look at me with a confused face, "Why do you want to know where he is?" Jack said with a confused face. Shit I'm screwed. "So you know where he is then?" I said avoiding the question. "Maybe, but why are you so upset over not knowing where he is?" He said getting upset. Luckily I used a classic excuse,"Because... I need to talk to him about.......Biology!... yeah I'm just worried I'm gonna do really bad with his help so yeahhh," I said completely giving away my lies. "Yeah I bet," Jack said shaking his head. Luckily the bell rang before Jack embarrassed me again.

I walked to Biology alone today, and it felt weird. Sitting in class there just made me feel worse about myself words constantly going through my head, slut, whore, he used you, hoe, easy. I couldn't help but to put my head down so no one would see my eyes tear up. "(Y/n), are you okay?" Said Dean behind me noticing how I was acting. "None of your fucking business man whore," Said Zach walking to his seat. He finally came, but why so late. "Let's try to be on time for now on Okay," Said Mr. Paul. "Sorry I just didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night!" Said Zach sarcastically. He sat down next to like nothing but I still kept my head down, I needed time to calm down so he wouldn't see how red my face was and my eyes tearing. He obviously noticed and rubbed my back with one hand and put the other on my thigh. "What's wrong (y/n)? Why aren't you sitting up looking at me?" Zach said concerned. "Nothing I'm just really tired," I said calming down. "No babygirl what's really wrong," he said getting upset. At this point I was completely calmed down and slowly sat up and looked him. "Nothing Zach, okay? I'm fine I'm tired." I said lying. He looked at me placing one arm on the back of my chair and the other in front of me on the desk. "I don't believe you at all, but I'll get it out of you Cupcake just not now." Zach said looking at me up and down. The rest of the class we didn't talk, just payed attention to the lesson and then left for lunch.

On the way down to lunch he walked so close next to me we could have passed for conjoined twins. "So are you gonna tell me what's really wrong now?" He asked not looking away from me. "Why were you late?" I asked. "What do you mean why was I late?" He Asked confused. "Why didn't you come to school at the right time Zach. It's not like you could text me back and tell me!"I said putting my arms up. I could tell he understood why I was getting upset because after I said that in the hallway he gave me a hug. "I'm sorry Cupcake, after everything I should have been here but I stayed all last night thinking of you instead of sleeping I promise. I'm not tying to avoid you either, if anything I don't want to stay away.," he said hugging me tightly then releasing to hold my hand. "So are we gonna go to lunch or what?" He said smirking. "Sure," I said too tired to argue. He pulled me along holding my hand the whole time, which was just the thing I needed.

When we came to the table with all of the boys Zach was still holding my hand. Jack right away looked at us both and tension was all throughout him. "I have great news to tell all of you guys!" Zach said putting his arm around my shoulder, "is about me and (y/n)!" I wasn't ready, and I knew exactly what he was gonna say. "We are dating!" He said with a cute smile. This wasn't how I wanted them to find out. I didn't want to complicate things now with the boys right after Jachary was good again, because we all knew Jack wasn't completely okay still. "Is that right (y/n)," Jack said looking at me disappointed. "Yeah it is," I said softly not wanting to upset him. "Well that's great news!" Said Daniel. "Yeah, as long as I get Zach time too then I'm good!" Laughed Jonah. "Of course" I said smiling back. But I found myself looking back at Jack, I didn't want to see him hurt but he needs to learn to be okay with this. "Are you okay," I said to jack. "Peachy," He said not looking at me and upset. Everyone left to get food in line but I stayed behind I needed a moment without everyone there. My stomach was turned upside down and my anxiety was higher than ever. All I want is for Jack and Zach to be happy but that will never happen with me in the picture.
Thank you for reading part 8! let me know how you like it so far!

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