Foolish Love (Part 2)

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You were very bored, because there was no one to talk to in your group. The whole experiment was pretty boring, because you didn't care about Physics or Chemics that much.

Finally, after experimenting, everyone gathered in the lobby and you could see Baekhyun coming with his group as well. Everyone could walk around the laboratory with their friends or alone, so you decided to go alone. Exploring the laboratory, you noticed your childhood friend, Namjoon exploring the place as well, so you decided to come up to him and talk to him.
He noticed you and gave you a sweet smile. "Hi, Y/N! What's up?" he said as he smiled. "Oh, I'm just exploring this place. Wanna explore with me?" you gave him a friendly wink as you came closer to him. He agreed and you both walked along.

Both of you tried a lot of things, played with most of the stuff in the laboratory and had fun, however, there was someone who wasn't having fun at all - Baekhyun. He always appeared out of nowhere, either behind you or in front of you. It all seemed strange to you, but you shrugged it off and walked on along with Namjoon.

Baekhyun was jealous, angry and sad at the same time. He wanted to spend time with you, but Namjoon was the one who took his place, so he followed you to see if there's anything going on between the two of you. He was satisfied, because Namjoon didn't seem to have any feelings for you, however, he was upset. Following you, he noticed you and Namjoon split, so he hid behind a table and watched you.

You were lonely, but decided to spend time by yourself. In fact, you didn't really mind being lonely. As you walked on, you noticed your friend, Irene with a group of friends. You waved at her and she waved back, coming closer to you. "Hi, Y/N!" she gave you a friendly smile. "Hi! I actually have something to tell you," you said as you looked around to see if Baekhyun was near. She nodded and followed you to a quiet spot. "So...Baekhyun has been following me for over an hour now and I don't know why."
She laughed, "He likes you, he definitely does," and gave you a wink.

Your heart skipped a beat, however, you didn't believe her. "No, I don't think so, why would he like me?" you shook your head and looked away. As you looked away, you noticed Baekhyun coming towards the both of you, so you decided to run away. Both of you laughed as you ran away from Baekhyun. He was confused as to why you ran away, but decided to follow you.

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