Chapter 5

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Me and the gang are all in Ruby's room arguing about how we can save Cesar from being part of an trifling and dangerous gang.

You call that a rescue party, we call that Wednesday

"Yo." Cesar screamed, gathering all four of our attention. "One at a time, I'm not following." When he said that ruby didn't even hesitate to raise his hand

Cesar picked him. Well, because he was the only one who had his hand up

Ruby seems really excited about this specific topic. Plus he is our problem solver, and we've been drawing on this for weeks

"Sorry, it's excitement. We've been chewing on this for the last two weeks. And it's finally time to move forwards with a plan." Ruby says. I've never seen Ruby so giddy in my life

And Ruby is triggered by simply things. It runs in the family, if we are gonna be honest

"A plan for what?." Cesar Question. I knew if we told Cesar we were trying to get him out of the Santos gang he would laugh in our face

And plus I made a bet with Jamal he would. So I'm counting on it

"Getting you out of the gang." Monse said

Wait for it....

He starts to laugh as we all kept a straight face, letting him know we are really serious

"Your serious?." He ask. We all nodded our heads. "Oh my gosh. No! No, no, no, no, there is no out. Your being naive. Once you jumped in, you can't get out. Unless, you get jumped out, and that's not, you know, an option."

"Why not?." Jamal asked

"They beat you till you die."

"Oh, I see your dilemma."


That's tough

"Well, death isn't the only option. Ruby." I said. Ruby starts explaining the plan to Cesar hoping he gets on board

"So, after copious amounts of research. I've formulated a theory that all great things come in threes. The holy trinity, primary colors, and destiny's child." Ruby explained while grabbing five binders from his desk

"D.C. started with four members." Jamal corrected. I decided to jump in because I love destiny child

There music screams me and cesar's relationship

"But they weren't huge until there were three." I stated

"Which is why there are three common denominators to end any and all hostile situations. I call them the three M's. Money. Murder. Manipulation." Ruby states. I grabbed a binder from his hand and opened it

But the watermark said 'Jamal Turner'

"No, not that one, they're watermarked." I handed Jamal his binder as Monse handed me mine

I opened it and it had 'Leilani Martinez' on it

"Clearly, murder is off the table. The irony would be too much." Monse claims and I scoffed

No shit, I could never picture myself killing someone. It would hunt me for life

"There's no way we can hustle up enough cash with a car wash, to make it worth Oscar's while."

"Unless." Jamal protest. We already know what he's gonna say


"Jamal don't. Please don't say it."

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