Flight I

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She never knew much about the concept of love, and honestly she used not to care. It was just foreign to her. No one speak of it that much, as demons they believe in lust and not in love. It was simply an illusion made by other races for the sake of multiplying and the word itself was not real, that love was not real. However, despite not being exposed much to such concept, probably the only aspect that she knows nothing of –for she knows everything— she knew what it was from the moment she first felt it.

Bright emerald eyes were staring back at her, a smile that often completes her day always given to her and the laughter that could defeat even the most beautiful song she ever heard. It was stupid if someone heard her saying that, that’s why she would never, but she was just inlove. Every action he just made, every second she just spents with him means so much it was foolish. He made her a fool… love made her a fool.

She found herself falling for him fast, it was dangerous, it was deadly but she couldn’t do anything… she was far to deep into the waters, finding her way out would seem far too imposible for everything for her everything was possible.

She could conquer the world, make everyone her slave, claim everything as hers yet here she was… trying to escape, trying to run away as a blonde was dragging her into her ruins…

Until she gave up…

Until she gave in…

Something she never does.

“Finally, you made one… Congratulations!” The blonde had uttered with a huge smile over his face looking down at her hands. Over her palm were flowers, stem intertwined to form a circle, a circle probably large enough to fit ones head like the one over hers. He made it for her, and her hearts literally skipped a beat when she felt those gentle fingers touch her scalpe as he gave her his crown…a crown he created for her, a crown far more valueble than what her father could possibly give her.

He was enough yet too much for her at the same time.

She had place the crown over his head it return, feeling those soft blonde locks between her fingers, loving the feeling they give her against her skin. He had smiled at her and she was drowning into her emerald eyes once more.

Then she made a grave mistake.

I love you…

Three little words, just three fucking words and everything fell apart.

Those emerald orbs were now wide in horror, lips trembling as he couldn’t tear his gaze off her as she was seized with realization. It was already terrible enough that a goddess speaks with a demon, laughs with them, plays with them and look at her now… she falls for him. From the moment both of them decided to stop slitting each other’s throat, they were bound to face punishment… and whatever was beyond that was forbidden.

“Wait— no…” He took a step backward, just like her, exactly like her, he wanted to run away from it but it was just not possible. She had tried more than he did and immediately knew.

“Elizabeth this can’t— we need to stop this—” Stop what? The feelings? The meetings? Everything they started? She can’t… he was her all now.

“We’ve went too far… this can’t go on…” How pained he look broke her heart. She shouldn’t have said that, shouldn’t have confessed or things would just be normal. Things wouldn’t have to end up like this…

“What? No!” She couldn’t afford it, not talking to him again, not seeing him again and not being able to be with him again.

“Mother will—”

“We can leave, Meliodas… away from the war, away from Britannia, away from our parents!” This was her last string, if it’ll snap she’ll have nothing… and it did, from the moment she tore his gaze of her, the only hope she had vanished.

Flight: NNT/SDS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now