Part 10

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It was Mom.
I can tell that she’s just finished crying because of her red eyes. She smiled at me and picked out an album.
“Hello Ian. How are you?” Mom asked.
“Fine mom.”
She opened the album as her eyes looked happily at the pictures.
“You’re cute in this picture. I can still remember exactly when this photo was shot. You’re a 2 year old baby in here. You tend to cry when your milk seemed to be behind its schedule.” Mom smiled and giggled a bit. I can sense that she’s trying to overcome the sadness lurking deep within her.
“You know what? Everyone here in the house was so happy when you came here. We’re so happy to see a cute little baby staring at us as if we kidnapped him.” Mom added.
“Mom, actually, you can tell it to me directly.” I said.
She looked at me with those teary eyes that really broke my heart.
“Your dad wants you to be transferred to Blaiston, in 2 weeks.” She said.
I remained silent.
“I don’t know what changed his mind. Last time he told me that you’ll be transferring there when you finished high school. But now, he’s demanding that you should be there.” She added.
“So . . . we only have 2 Sundays left mom?” I said.
" Yes .” She said.
I just smiled, trying to hide the pain in knowing that we only have two Sundays to spend together, and no chance in seeing Abigail. Mom went out of my room as soon as she noticed that I can’t say a thing. She closed the door and as soon as the door was closed, I began to cry. My pillow’s so wet with tears and full of thoughts that really broke my heart. All of my hopes, plans, promises, dreams and goals will be gone in 2 weeks. I want to cry my heart out but I know that no matter how hard I cry, it’ll not change anything. I tried to open the album that my mom opened earlier. I see my pictures when I am still a helpless baby. All I can do is to smile with tears falling from my eyes as I reminisce those times that everything was so smooth and worry-free. As I gaze upon the pictures of me sleeping in my mother’s arms, I realized how painful it will be for them to see me leaving. I closed the album and hugged it as my eyes wet it with tears. I’m gonna miss this place, this bed, these pillows, this family, my friends, my teachers, Abigail, and myself. I know after all these things; I will never be the same again. I could be someone better, or someone worse. I want to make the most out of every day that I’m still here but I am afraid that as I make the most out of every moment, time flies by so fast, and it did. Thursday passed so as Friday, Saturday and then Sunday. I didn’t eat a lot during those days until the day I leave. We were able to go to church but unfortunately, Abigail wasn’t there. It is so painful to know that I’ll be leaving without seeing her for the last time. All I that I was able to do is to stare at an empty seat beside me, as if she’s there. All the remaining days was spent in saying goodbye to my friends in the morning, trying to sleep in the afternoon, with meals taken lightly, and looking at those 3 stars in the evening. I miss her so much and I know that when I am no longer here, I’m gonna miss her so much more. There’s never been a night that I didn’t cry. Thinking that if I only have the chance to see her, hold her, and tell her I love her for the last time, I’ll surely take it. We’ve been together by so fast but we’ll never be able to enjoy it for so long. We tried so hard to keep everything in control, but we didn’t make it. All that I wish is that, she will forgive me for this. I hope that she will come to know that I have no choice. I pray that she will understand why I didn’t tell her and why I wasn’t able to inform her. These are the thoughts that run through my mind until the next Thursday, the day that shattered every bit of my soul.

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