horror doll

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story not mine (from fanpop.com)

The following (apparently) is true 


 This is my true story about a scary doll that freaked me out. It’s all true. And it happened to me. My two cousins lived about an half hour away from my old house. We would visit them frequently when we were small. My cousins, two girls, shared a room and they had a bunk bed. One night when my brother and I slept over their house something occurred that I don’t have any explaination for, up to today. My brother slept with my youngest cousin while I shared the top bunk with my other cousin. (we were kids, and the bunks were big enough to hold 2 small kids comfortably)

Suddenly, I woke up, my eyes just opened. It was early morning, between the time where night ends and dawn begins. Pale bluish light filling the room, you know what I mean? Well, I sat up in bed, (remember we were in the top bunk) the room had that eerie look, due to the blue light and the perspective from the top bunk. At the foot of the bunk beds, there was a dresser with a huge mirror on it. There are few things on this dresser, little girl things, dolls, jewelry boxes, and so on.

I was fully awake, and I knew it. I looked over at my cousin at my side, she was sleeping. I looked outside the window, which was at my other side of the bed…it was starting to get lighter. Then, I looked at the dresser. On the dresser, in the center, there is a huge doll, those old fashioned kinds, with full, ugly pastel colored dress, bonnet on its head, glass eyes that open when it’s upright and closes when you lie it down, those type of dolls. This doll was looking right at me.

I didn’t notice anything unusual until it started to move slowly. It moved its head and looked out the door into the hallway, and blinked its eyes. Then, it slowly turned its head back towards me. I sat there, in terror. I started to tremble. I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do. The doll blinked at me again. I was suddenly filled with horror…I can’t explain it…I was so uncontrollably terrified. I wanted to scream, but couldn’t. I kept staring at this doll. It moved its arms up a bit, it was those type that was jointed, like a barbie doll’s arms. It repeated the process of turning its head towards the door and back to me.

While staring at the doll, I reached over and tried to shake my cousin awake…she wouldn’t awake…(she is a deep sleeper.) I don’t really remember what I did next, horror probably blocked out some of it. The next thing I remember, I was in my Aunt’s bedroom, screaming for her to wake up. She woke up, and asked me what was wrong. My screaming had woke up the kids, and they came into her bedroom. I told them what happened. All of us walked back to the kids’ bedroom. I was so scared to point out the doll. But I managed to do so. My Aunt went over to the doll, and checked it out, and stated that I must have been dreaming. The only person that believes me is my cousin that I was sharing the bunk with. She told me that a few things have happened in that house, such as hearing footstep pounding up the stairs, when nobody was there.

From that day on, I would never, never go into my cousins’ bedroom by myself. Thank god they have moved house now, so I don’t have to worry about that anymore. 


PLEASE DONT FORGET TO VOTE! it would mean so much to me :3

ugh, got a song stuck in my head and it wont go away! I <3 stay high  (hippie sabotage)

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