chapter one

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I sighed and stepped off of the helicopter. To my left Raleigh and Pentecost had just arrived. My first reaction was to run over to Pentecost since they had umbrellas and since pentecost was the Mashal. After all I was curious why he had his people come and find me, because the PPDC left me alone after my Shatterdome was shut down.
They started to make their way to the elevator, so I ran after them. They first thing I noticed in the elevator was the Kaiju specimens.
"Ah, Miss (L/N),"Pentecost said. "I was wondering when they would get you here."
"WAIT!"a Male shouted running towards the elevator.
He and his colleague managed to make it into the elevator before it went down into the shatterdome.
"(Y/N) these are the gentlemen you will be assisting,"Pentecost said. "Dr. Gieszler and Dr.Gottlieb."
"Please call me Newt,"Dr. Gieszler said through a smile. "Only my mom calls me doctor."
It occurred to me that for a scientist he had relatively big muscles. His arms were covered it tattoos, one of which was Yamarashi.
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N),"I responded."I have a degree in biology and problems and statistics"
"Hermann this is a real person, why don't you say hi."
"I told you not to refer to me by my first name-"
I couldn't make out the rest of that sentence because Newt started mocking him. It made me laugh, though. To know I'd be working with these two made my day.
I looked around the lab realizing that it was split in half. Newt went to the furthest side and Hermann stayed in the closest to the door.
"You wanna help me dissect some Kaiju tissue (Y/N)?"Newt asked.
"Sure,"I replied.
He smiled and handed me a pair of gloves and a large scapula. His hand ran across the sample draw a metaphorical line across the tissue. We started cutting on this 'line' and it was obvious why he was decently fit. I struggled to cut through the outer layer of tissue, the inside was a little easier to get through, but that outer shell was different.
"You seem to be have trouble,"he said smiling.
"I didn't expect this to be so hard,"I responded.
"You don't have to help me if this is too hard."
"If you'll cut the outside I think I can be of more assistance."
He reached around me and I could feel his chest against back as he cut the skin. I don't know why but it made me blush. We hardly knew each other yet I was still blushing.

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