chapter two

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Newt’s P.O.V.
    It was so nice to finally have an assistant. Sure she helped Hermann from time to time, but for the most part she helped me. She was quick to learn and quick to correct me when I was wrong. Hermann also liked the fact that she would correct him if he was off on his predictions, so in the past few days it had made it harder to talk to her. Lucky she was helping today instead of Hermann.

    She flipped through some pages of data that I had collected in the past two days. It wasn’t much for what I usually have in two days. I figured that I had gotten so used to her help that I had gotten lazy with my work.

    “So… It looks like you started to write something here about them having similar DNA?”she asked.

    “Yes,”I responded happily. “You wanna work on that?”

    “I don’t see why not. It seems very interesting.”

    We got to work cutting a sample of tissue from Sydney, which like normal I helped her with. Her and I managed to cut halfway through it before we were covered in Kaiju blood.

         “I'm gonna go chance and get some food,”she said.

         “Ok, see you around (Y/N),”I replied.

         I watched her leave then sighed.

        God, I thought. She's attractive and she's smart as all hell.

         Hermann slide a few of his boards around. I looked over at him and he was staring at me.

         “How do you scare her off so fast?”he asked. “She's hard to annoy, and she likes to help out.”

         “I don't think that's why she left,”I replied. “It might be because we're covered in Kaiju blood.”


         I was walking down the hall, when (Y/N) ran up to me. She touched my arm to get my attention, and once she knew she had my attention she took her hand off my arm.

         “Hey",she said. “Apparently Hermann told you that you scared me off, but you didn't. I was just getting sick from the smell of the Kaiju’s blood. He should have known that.”

         “I didn't think I did,”I replied. “I didn't say anything to you.”

         She hugged me and I hugged her back.

         I want her to be mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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