Chapter 1

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          "Oh my Lord!" Emery Filer cried for the fourth time. "I can't believe that today is actually the day!" Today was Em's 15th birthday as she absolutely couldn't wait. Em had been my best friend forever and I was so not ready to lose her. 

          "Jesus Emery, that's the fourth time you've said that!" I said, playfully punching her in the arm. 

          "Hey!" she whined as she examined her dress, making sure that it wasn't messed up. She had a deep turquoise dress on that really brought out her eyes. It was silk with a beautiful floral design on the skirt. She pulled up her thin sleeve that slides off her skinny shoulder. "I'm just nervous and overly excited!" 

          "I think the boys should be nervous," I told her. Whenever a girl turned 15, all the boys in their town had to dress up in their finest suits to see if the girl would choose him as her spouse. 

          "Speaking of boys," she said smiling, "guess who I'm going to choose as my spouse!" 

          "Oh gosh," I replied, thinking. Emery has dated like every boy in our town so I had no idea who she chose for her spouse. "How about Wyatt?"

          "No, I'm choosing Lucas silly," she answered with a serious face. 

          "Seriously? You bloody beast! You know I've liked him since we were kids!" I lashed out. 

          "Oh my goodness Rose, I was just kidding," she choked out, before bursting into giggles. "You should've seen yourself." 

           I felt my cheeks flush. "You shouldn't be joking around right now. Today is our last day together until I meet you in paradise." Before she could answer we arrived at the town meeting. It wasn't mandatory for girls to come, but I saw a couple from my school. They were probably there to make sure their boyfriends weren't torn away by of Emery. 

           As we got out the car a man in a white crisp shirt walking over the Emery and told her to proceed to the stage. Before she did, she turned around and hugged me and whispered, "Love you, Rose. Wish me best of Luck." I don't know why I would need to wish her luck because the odds were always in the girl's favour. 

          I watched as she made her way up to the stage, taking long and steady strokes as she walked to the centre of the stage. The audience went quiet, the boys taking her in. 

         "Good evening boys," our leader Ms Ward spoke into the microphone. There was a pause as she scanned the crowd before she added, "and girls." 

         As she recited her speech that she spoke at every girl's 15th birthday, I sat down by Julie Hardrock, a freshman with dark dreads. She smiled one of her big smiles before returning her attention to Ms Ward. 

          "Today we have gathered for Emery Filer who will select her spouse to go live in Paradise. Ms Filer, will you please select your husband."

          Em walked onto the stage, her eyes scanning the crows of boys before her. "I would like to choose by elimination rather than names ma'am." 

         The screen behind flashed and then filled up with all the boys' faces. I spotted Lucas on the screen, his sharp cheekbones and handsome grin smiling down on the crowd.  

          Em continued, "I want a boy who is loving, handsome, romantic, and caring," the crowd laughed, that was every girl's dream. The screen behind her flashed, seven boys remaining on the screen. One of them was Lucas. She turned around to look at the screen. After more eliminating rounds, only one face remained, Andrew Holly. 

          Andrew walked up onto the stage, his girlfriend Amanda crying hysterically. He took Em's hand and together they enter the Paradise Hotel where they would get married in an hour. After that, they would probably make love in their room before being picked up on the next plane to paradise. 

          I watched sadly as Amanda was pulled back so she couldn't run up to Andrew. This wasn't the worst Ceremony that ever happened. One time a girl started beating up the girl who chose her boyfriend. Hopefully, nobody would choose Lucas in the month I had left until my birthday. 

A/N: Hope you guys like it so far! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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