Breakeven *Chapter Two*

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Taking Ashton up on his ice cream offer, we go out to Tasty Treats. I check every five seconds for Sasuke, knowing he would kill me if he saw us.

"Ahiko? Are you looking for someone?" He says, smiling behind his Mint Chocolate ice-cream. I giggle, and hold up my own Black Cherry.

"Sasuke, I don't want him to ruin it." I say, as we bump our ice cream together, mixing the flavors. He giggles, and scans the room as well.

"Want to go somewhere else then? How about that little meadow?" He says, pointing through the window to a small feild. I laugh, nodding.  

He laces his fingers with mine, pulling me out of the ice cream shop, over to the field.

"Pretty Boy..How did you get under Tailong's apprenticeship?" I say, our hands still intertwined.

"Well, my parents died around the age of four, so I lived in a foster home on the outskirts of Suna. I ran into him about three years ago, when I was graduating from my ninja academy back in Suna. " He says, and my eyes widen.

Two years older then me isn't that bad right?

"Oh, sorry about your parents." I say, knowing the feeling all to well. He nods, and smiles.

"It's alright. I know about yours..." He says, and my eyes widen yet again.

"So you are a stalker!" I say, laughing.

"No, I just wanted to know more about you, that's all." He says, and I laugh. He moves to a more comrotable poistion, accidently smearing his ice cream over the side of my mouth, and all over my cheek. I gasp at the sudden coldness, and look up at his face, that's now inches from my own. He smiles, and moves his thumb up to rub it off my mouth, making it worse.

"Pretty Boy! Your making it worse!" I smile, swatting his hand away. He laughs, and hands me a napkin.

"That ice cream is good." I say, licking my lips. He smirks.

"That's not the only thing that's good." He says, and I push him over, giggling.

"Ahiko? What are you doing?" I hear, and pray to god it isn't Sasuke. Looking over, I realize it's Rikichi, and jump about ten feet away from Pretty Boy. He gives me a confused look, and looks up to Rikichi.

"Hey, I'm Ashton." He says, holding out his hamd. Rikichi ignores him, and walks over to me.

"Ahiko, it's dinner-time. You were supposed to be home twenty minutes ago. And who's that boy?" He says, lowering his voice at the end.

"That's Prett-No wait...That's..uhh...Ashton? He's a friend. And I left a note." I say, standing up.

"Didn't look like he was just a friend to me. Sasuke would have ripped his head off." He says, narrowing his eyes. I glare up at him.

"Your kidding right? Sasuke isn't my boyfriend, or even my friend. And he is just a friend. Jeez, it's not like we were making out or something." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. It's time to come home." He says, and I sigh, knowing I won't win this arguement. I nod, and walk over to Ashton.

"I gotta go, sorry." I say, giving him an innocent look. He laughs, kissing my hand.

"See you later."


"Alright, Ahiko and Konoi will bring up the back, Rikichi in front. On my count." Kotetsu-Sensei's voice comes through the small headset. The small river was the only noise you could hear through the silence in the woods.

"One...Two...Three!" Kotetsu-sensei yells. and Rikichi leaps forward, kunai at the ready. Konoi and I follow silently in the trees behind him. The bushes behind me rustle, and just as I turn to check it out, a ninja in a similar outfit to mine lunges at me. It's then that I realize that her outfit isn't black like mine, it's a light pink. She looks exactly like me, pinkish hair, blue eyes. Only difference is her outfit and her hair is longer.

Forcing me to the ground, her voice is low.

"Who are you, and why do you look so much like me!?" She hisses, and I struggle against her weight.

"No, who are you?! Attacking me like this?!" I say, and her grip loosens for half a second. I push her off, flinging her away from me. Standing quickly, I pull out Dagger.

" A7. Code three!" I hiss into the mic, before she lunges at me again.I quickly sidestep, grabbing her right arm. I push her down to the floor, pinning her as she did moments before.

"Konoi, Rikichi, Left center." I hear in the mic, before she breaks away and rips it off my head. Gaining control of her again, I check her for a mic as well.

"Okay, no mic, no headband, who are you?!" I say, pushing Dagger closer to her neck.

"I-I'm alone. Let me go!" She says, pushing off me.

"Alone? Yet you attacked me in a squad of five?! Are you stupid?!" I yell, as she puts her hands up in surrender.

She places her hands behind her back as I wrap them tightly together.

"Ahiko? Are you okay?!" Rikichi yells into the headset laying on the ground. I tie her feet before placing it back on my head.

"Yes, I'm in right center you idiots." I say, watching the girl intently. I pat her for weapons, and lay the ones I find out on a rock. Six kunai, twelve shuriken, and a small pocket knife. Clicking the mute on my mic, I look up at her.

"You tried to take me down with these?" I say, inspecting the kunai's dull blades. She couldn't have even scratched me with these!

"I could take you down with bare hands." She says, glaring at me.

"Really? That's why your tied up right?" I say, taking Dagger out.

"Tell me why you attacked me." I say, placing Dagger closer to her neck.

"You look just like me! Of course I'd attack you!" She says, straining to moe her neck away from the bronze blade.

"What? That's the only reason?! I was in the middle of a mission!" I yell, not moving Dagger.

"What's your name?" I say, and she glares.



Ahiko's sensei's (--->) (Look familiar? They're the fomer gate guards who are gay for each other! [Not really!] :D ) 

They...are hawt! Sorry for the cliffhanger. ._. 

Love you mah Whores and Sluts! 


Breakeven ( A Naruto Fan Fiction) ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now