The Second Chapter: A Whole New World

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She was nothing and everything at the same moment as she floated. Charlie's thoughts were jumbled. Then she realised she was plummeting.




Until she fell to the ground. She nearly burst out laughing with relief, until she realised she wasn't in her bedroom but the middle of a field. She may add, it's a chilly field. She tightened her grip on her grey cardigan over her breast and examined the horizon for anything fresh. A tree, a little, battered-looking home, and a palace were all noticed by Charlie.

There's also a palace.

It was very bizarre. The castle appeared strangely familiar as if she'd seen it someplace before. It was composed of sparkling pearl and obsidian, of darkness and light, of good and evil. She couldn't place where she had seen it, though. Perhaps in one of those horrible history lectures, she had to attend in school? Charlie proceeded to trundle towards the palace when she heard the distinct sound of a horse trotting behind her.

"What are you doing out in the cold, a lady like you?" The voice was as smooth and sweet as the honeycomb from whence it came.

"I'm simply on my way to the pala—" She splintered. The man in front of her was also recognisable, but this time she knew precisely where he was from.

"Do you want a trip to the palace? That's where I'm going as well. My name is-"

"Thade." She took a breath. "A-And if you're Thade, I'm in Nitra."

"What you say is correct. Do you want me to give you a ride to the palace?" He inquired, unsure.

He was just as she had imagined him, with honey golden hair and eyes so dark they could be black holes. And what about Nitra? The same. The darker portions showed her despair and fury, while the brighter parts reflected her sentiments as she wrote.

"Right," Thade cut her off in her fantasy, "we really should get going. Eadlynne is not a safe area to spend the night."

"Yes, I am aware. At night, a gang of robbers terrorises this realm; anyone who goes out after dark never returns."

Thade nodded calmly and assisted Charlie in mounting the horse. She was still dazed from her trip to Nitra. Nitra. How could this have happened? She had attempted to recall everything that had transpired. She had returned to her room, and the pages of her notepad began to flip. Where had her notepad gone? It wasn't with her just now. It couldn't have been in the field since it would have landed close to her.

It seemed like hours before they arrived at the palace, but Charlie knew it had only been a few minutes. She was in awe of the horse as she exited. This was her invention, and she was in it.

"So, I never got your name," Thade admitted, quirking one brow.

"Charlie." She whispered, her gaze fixed on the location.

Thade grinned. "That's an unusual name."

"Really? Back home, I know at least four people with the same name." She inquired, shocked.

"Strange. Which of the nine kingdoms do you belong to?" He was curious.

"Um, Diorra?" She stumbled.

"You don't appear to be certain, Missy." He laughed, then became solemn. "Just make sure your tale is correct for the royals. They will not, believe me, turn the other cheek."

I CREATED you, and I know everything about you. I can tell when you're bluffing and lying, and I'm the one who founded the royals. Of course, I know they're not going to be as generous. She wished she could shout. Instead, she nodded and followed Thade through the stained glass doors, past an obscene number of passageways, and into an arena-style area with three thrones in the centre.

And, unfortunately for Charlie, there were people in them.

A girl with mousy brown hair and brilliant blue eyes sat on the smallest of the three thrones, arms and legs crossed. Mae Cunningham, the king and queen's adoptive daughter, was already known to her. Unbeknownst to her, she had been adopted at an early age by royals who were unable to conceive a child. This would subsequently spark a big royal scandal because she was next in line for the throne. That is, assuming everything went as Charlie had intended in her blueprint.

A woman with dark brown eyes and pale blonde hair sat on the second throne. Charlie felt it was an unusual combo. She was also acquainted with this lady. Dynasty Cunningham, Queen of Eadlynne, was her name. She was declared infertile at the age of nineteen, but the king persisted in marrying her anyhow.

Finally, a hefty looking guy with dark red hair and golden-brown eyes sat on the largest, finest throne she could invent. Charlie shivered at the sight of King Brutus of Eadlynne, even though she had made him.

"Who are you bringing us, Thade?" He exclaimed.

Thade retreated from the king. "A young lady strolling over the countryside. Charlie of Diorra."

The king regarded her with suspicion. "Right. Thade, bring her to the servant's quarters. We'll deal with her first thing in the morning. It's been a long day, with so many executions."

Charlie tensed as Thade led her down another corridor and into a spacious kitchen. A big platter of food sat beside the oven, even though it was unoccupied. Thade strolled over to the plate and grabbed a loaf of bread. He tossed it to her, and she grabbed it instinctively.

"Have a few. It's the substance the royals are fed. You won't see anything like this for a long time." He counselled.

Charlie took his advice and nibbled into the bread. It was excellent, with a flaky top and a doughy centre that melted in her mouth. She didn't know why she was so startled because she had expected the cuisine to be fantastic here.

Thade pressed her on, adding that if the royals discovered them eating stolen food, they would be executed. He brought her to another room, this one with a little cot and a small plate of old bread.

"You may sleep here. Wave will come and grab you in the morning." He walked away without saying anything else.

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