1. His Choosen

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Dedicated to samriddhinechali for your unfaltering support and love! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


Wolsford Academy, Germany.

"Julia! Will you please stop staring at him and concentrate?!",Klara snapped at the girl, trying to distract Julia from her object of fascination.

"It's hard not to",Heidi muttered, coming to her friend's defense, her own cheeks reddening as she glanced at him discreetly.

"Believe me I know", Klara muttered under her breath before speaking aloud,"But today is our last day of practice. We need to perfect our moves before we all leave for the holidays. So get back to work!"

Julia nodded, sighing softly and willing herself to tear her eyes away from him but failing miserably. Who could even fault her?

Valerio Valentini was glorious.

She watched as he snatched the ball away from Aleksei and ran across the court, maneuvering himself around Moritz who tried to block him, he burst forward, leaping high and slamming the ball hard through the basket.

Valerio landed lightly on his feet and Julia felt the time around her freeze as his hand moved towards his t-shirt, gripping the edges of it before he peeled it off in one quick move.

His move earned him the loudest cheer of the afternoon. And Julia was sure that she saw quite a few girls faint in the stands.

Her own eyes raked over him hungrily, to his well defined pecs, to his clammy glistening body.

Sweet Mary, Have Mercy!

His muscles were taut on his arms as he rolled the shirt, bundling it up before wiping the sweat of his forehead and neck, completely unconcerned about the fact that his actions were giving the entire female population of Wolsford a major heart attack.

He walked towards the center of the court and towards his team, the muscles on his torso tensed and rippled mouthwateringly, as he leaned forward, legs apart at shoulder width, knees bent slightly bracing himself as the ball flew into air again.

This time Aleksei's team almost managed a basket if not for Tarquin who stole the ball from them passing it to some other guy who passed it to Valerio at the last second who in turn did a reverse jump shot straight into the basket.

With that, the whistle blew again and the entire court erupted in a ear shattering roar.

The school year was officially over.

"He's too much", Klara muttered, fanning herself and Julia's eyes narrowed when she saw how affected the girl looked. She looked around herself and sure enough she saw
that almost the entire cheerleading squad  had dissolved into nervous giggles, their cheeks flushed, eyes shinning, as they openly gawked at Valerio.

Julia gritted her teeth as she turned her attention back to him just in time to see Valerio smirk cockily at Aleksei who flipped him off good naturedly.

"You should go over and congratulate him on his win", Heidi whispered to her.

Julia stared at her friend in disbelief.

"This might be your only chance", the other girl replied matter of factly.

"What do you mean?''

Heidi's eyes widened as if she had let something she wasn't supposed to let slip. She looked at her calculatively, seemingly at a war with herself before she sighed, glancing around once before moving closer to her, her head bending low so she could talk without being overheard by anyone.

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