Wednesday June 20,2018

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In middle school I was lab partners with john are teacher told us we can make our own chemical john did but he spilled on me by accident, Two days later I was a 32 year old man I had lost everything, My parents didn't believe me when I said john spilled a chemical on me so I lost them, My house, My stuff, My clothes and most of all my girlfriend, she was the only one that truly understood me and I lost her she didn't believe me either when I told her what happen. After a couple years I started following John to get him to change me back he didn't know how. But deep down inside he knew what it was and now I know why he isn't telling me is because he is dating my girlfriend. So, then I started following John's Family. One time I took his big sister Skylar and he told me all the elements that were in that chemical so I let Skylar go and tried it, turns out there was one more element he left out. I will get him. So, after 4 years of trying to figure out that element I've been stalking his family and today is Skylar's Graduation and I will find him. As she walks out I know she knows I'm here, but surprisingly she keeps calm after she sits with all the other students she stands up and reads from a piece of paper:

 Welcome friends, family, students and teachers I can't even begin to thank my mom Carole Henley and my dad Tom Henley, for giving me life in this wonderful world and my 4 amazing teachers Mrs. Pemberton, Mr. Meade, Mrs. Sapienza, and Mr. Petschl so one day I can go to college. It felt like just yesterday all of us were in elementary school together. So, go far in your dream and believe in your own magic. Thank you.

and then I saw him sitting there cheering on his sister as soon as she went to her parents I teleported to her house I sat 6 tickets to Arizona on the counter. As I heard the car door shut I turned invisible. When Skylar came in she saw the tickets, surprisingly she said,"Is this the present you were talking about this morning". Her mom shockingly said, "Yes honey we're letting you take the kids to Arizona on a little summer vacation your old enough now so there you go.. This teen named Henry comes in and says, "What about me you're going to leave me here but, my name is on one of the tickets I can see it. As she ruffles through it she comes upon this ticket that says Henry and she says shockingly "Right you are here you go, but ask your mom first. "Okay" he says excitedly has he rushes out the door, I hear Skylar whispering to him. I think she can see me cause as soon as she stopped whispering he ran upstairs. I tried to follow him but by time I got up there his door was locked I tried to teleport but for some weird reason I couldn't. So, I left and I prepared for their visit. I found out Skylar's ex-Boyfriend and possessed him to make him tell his parents that he is taking an internship at a hotel in Arizona. I will make the Henley's Family suffer *Evil Laugh*.

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