Chapter 6 - Cu'sith

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After Varneir saved me from being wolf food, we walked together through the forest, following the thin windy trail that lead to the outside of Frosthill.

We walked in silence, the only sound in the forest being Varnier's claws thudding against the soft Earth, and the birds who decided to chatter once more.

I took advantage of the fact that Varneir seemed lost in thought to glance over at him, since I never really took the time to study his face. As beastly as he looked, his face was rather...human. His expressions held complexity, sometimes I couldn't even read the looks on his face.

The slivers of golden sunshine trickled through the gaps in the branches, bouncing off of his magnificent scales, making them shimmer, and dance with every ripple of muscle as he walked. He was absolutely beautiful.

His head swiveled towards mine, and his eyes fixed on my face, his brow raising. I then realized I had been staring, and quickly fixed my gaze on my feet. I heard a deep chuckle, before Varneir spoke, making me jump.

"How on Earth did you almost get yourself killed in not even an hour? I only left for a bit, I thought you would still be sleeping when I returned."

His tone sounded scolding, and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

"I've kept myself alive for this long, I'm sure I would have been fine. But my loyal guardian rescued me, didn't he?"

I couldn't keep from smiling when he scowled, his eyes narrowing when I giggled.

"I can't even leave you by yourself anymore. I don't trust your judgement, you were almost killed by puppies,"

The way the word rolled off his tongue was taunting, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. I playfully shoved him, not even moving him an inch.

Varneir stiffened, his muscles coiling under his smooth skin. A paralyzing growl ripped through his chest, and his jowls curled up, exposing his sharp teeth.

Fear froze me, and I waited for him to pounce.

Before it even registered in my mind what had happened, I was pinned to a huge tree, Varneir's hot breath fanning my face. I waited for him to attack, my eyes screwed shut.

But nothing ever came. I slowly opened my eyes, Varneir's nose centimeters from my face.

A pleased rumble erupted in his chest, and he nuzzled his cool face into my neck. I wrapped my arms around his thick neck, and we stayed like that for a while.

"We should get your horse." He cooed, swiftly maneuvering out of my grip as if nothing held him there at all.

It was gonna be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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