Papyrus stop it

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"HOW COULD YOU GO OFF AND DO THIS!? THIS IS BY FAR THE STUPIDEST THING YOU'VE EVER DONE!" Gaster shouted at his 16 year old son. This was a total disaster! Sans was a wonderful student, and frankly, quite antisocial.

"i'm sorry! he just.." Sans whimpered. "i was wanting to act like a 16 year old for once and things went to far! we just wanted to have some fun, he didn't mean to get me pregnant!"Sans whined, hugging himself. He never wanted this to happen, he just wanted to act his age. His father always made him act like an adult.

"We will finish this discussion when your mother gets home. Pack your bags. You are not welcome in this home no matter your mothers input onto the matter." Gaster said,the royal purple of his magic forcing outwards from the sheer amount of fury he felt from his eldest offspring.

Sans held his tongue, none of his smart retorts could fix what had already been damaged. Sans scoffed and walked up the stairs and into his room- Well, his and his brothers. Despite Sans being 4 years older than the little rat, their parents made them share the room.

"Sans?" The 12 year old asked, his voice nothing more than a whisper from the loud aruging he had heard downstairs between his father and sibling "Why is Daddy mad at you?" He asked, vibrant tangerine tears free-falling from his bright white eyes.

"hey, hey, dont cry, papy.. me and dad just had a little fight ok? but i have to leave." Sans said, hoping his answer would satisfy the young boy, but, of course, it didn't.

"When will you come back?" Papyrus asked, chewing on the orange sleeve of his pyjamas.

"i'm not, papyrus. not ever. dad doesn't want me here anymore." Sans said "so, you have to be the man of the house? because dad clearly isn't capable of it." Sans said, his eye going blue, before flashing out, and he groaned in exhaustion. The baby was already draining him. "when mom gets home, i have to leave, all right? so you still have some time with me papy."

An hour after Sans and Papyrus had their conversation, Atorua had came home. His father had already said it didn't matter his mother's input onto the matter. So he just wanted to say goodbye to his mom before he left. 

" Sans Arial Gaster, care to explain to your mother why i'm kicking you out?" Gaster said, a malicious grin forming.

"because i messed up." Sans said, his eyelights drifting to the bruised face of his mother, who he presumed had a bad day. 

"Messed up? How badly?" Atoura asked, her eyes deepening to the beautiful blue like the deepest of oceans.

"messed up so bad that you have a grandchild." Sans said. His mother falsed a betrayed face. Sans knew she was probably mad, yet excited at the fact of a baby wandering the house. But, as always, she agreed with Gaster because he  was abusive. So maybe being kicked out was a good thing. Sans didn't want his child growing up around such violence.

"i already got my backpack out. i just wanted to say goodbye to mom and paps before i left." Sans said, sighing as he looked at his younger brother "bye papy, be good, kat the young skeleton and hugging him, before turning to his mother, who loomed over his small 4'9 frame with her 6'5. "bye, mom." Sans said curtly. "bye. asshole." Sans said as he looked to Gaster, before walking out the door.

That was at least a month ago, and Sans was now 2 months pregnant, and still in the city he had grown up in. Maybe he could live with Grillby-? No. That asshole is the reason that he had no home. Sans hadn't seen Papyrus in forever, though he still saw Papyrus around town, he was 13 now, and his birthday was the day after Sans had been kicked out.

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