Going back to school

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Sans took a deep breath as he walked along side Grillby. Sans was going back to school. Sans was 2, almost 3 months pregnant and he was returning to school. Worst of yet, he was starting to show. His morning sickness was better, but he still had it.

"guess i'll see you after school, grillbz." Sans said, sighing as he walked torwards the upper floor, where the higher up classes were. The second floor was where the 2nd smartest people were, and where Grillby took his classes. Sans had to walk to the 3rd floor. Despite only being 2 and a half months pregnant, stairs were still annoying.

Sans reached his classroom, and he took a seat in the corner seat. He was very behind on his work but he was confident he could get it all done rather quickly.

There was quiet mumbling to the left of him.

"I heard he fucked Grillby! What a whore!" A female cat monster said to her alligator friend.

Did Grillby tell about what happened? Sans tried his best to ignore the voices. and focus on the work he had to redo.


The class was over half an hour. It was calculus and that sucked. Today was a half day due to an upcoming holiday, so Sans only had one more class left till he went back home.

It was a class with his best friend.

Sans sat down, taking in the room for a moment, and then looking around for the dino.

"S-Sans! Y-Your b-back!" A small teen squaked from the doorway of the classroom.

"yup, hey al." Sans said, giving a lazy wave in the direction of the dinosaur. She took her seat down beside the skeleton. 

"W-Where have y-you been?" Alphys paused, flicking the skeleton as he began to fall asleep. "Y-You haven't a-answered any o-of my c-calls!" Alphys said, in a whisper like yell

"ah. shit happens y'know?" Sans said, and Alphys nodded

Class, of course, was boring and uneventful.

Sans walked down to the enterence where Grillby stood, waiting on him. They got into the 3 passenger car, and began the 20 minute drive back to Grillby's house.


Sans sat up in his bed, looking around the room, darkness tugging at the corner of his sockets and the drowsiness ebbing its way through his person.

School had been cancelled due to intense weather conditions, and Grillby and Coco had went to manage the restaurant as a safe haven for any stragglers that may need protection from the harsh weather. Sans, being 2 and a half months pregnant, was staying home. Coco and Grillby didn't want to take any chances with something happening.

Sans pushed himself off the mattress, kicking off the comforter that was tangled in his body.

He walked out his door, which was on a side part of the house, right next to the office and kitchen. He turned to his left, walking in the kitchen where a small plate of food was sitting with a note on it.

"Had to leave extra early this morning, The worst of the storm is coming in at 8. Stay inside and enjoy the food <3" ~Grillby~

Sans smiled, taking the plate and going back into his room. He sat down on his bed, covering up again and digging into the food. Bacon and Eggs, half done eggs and perfectly crispy golden bacon.

Sans smiled warmly at the fact that his boyfriend cared enough to feed him and allow him into his house for however long that Sans would be here. Maybe Sans could get a job during his earlier months of pregnancy? Before it became too hard to move around and work. He'd talk to Grillby and Coco about it later, but for now he was exhausted despite just having woken up, and he had also went to bed at 5 the previous night and slept in till 8:15am.

Sans tucked in, and curled up under the still warm comforter and slowly dozing off.


Sans woke up at noon, and Grillby and Coco still were not home. He could hear wind beating on the old wooden house,causing it to creak. The rain harsly hit against the windows and house, and Sans feared if the rain hit hard enough it would just shatter the pane entirely.

Sans walked over to the small dresser that was placed in the upper left corner of the room. He grabbed a NASA hoodie, and a pair of black sweatpants. He slipped both on, tucking the oversized hoodie safely and softly over the small bulge of his abdomen.

He smiled warmly, and sat down on the worn purple sofa. He had heard Coco ramble about how this old worn thing would do better in the dump then in her perfect living room. But they didn't have the money to buy a new one. 

Something in Sans' mind clicked. He knew how to sew, he could fix up their couch for them!

Sans smiled, searching the house for thread and a needle.

He finally found the forementioned items, and began to sew the holes in the sofa. Smiling once he had sewn all the holes, he placed the thread and needle back in their orginated positions. He sat down on the newly sewn couch, and tucked into a small little ball, smiling again as the rain harshly tapped the windows, and dropped down peacefully despite the harsh landing.

Sans smiled. He was like rain. 

Though, it was kinda edgy to say that.

Sans seemed harsh, like rain, but a  peaceful landing is all he wanted. Nobody likes rain, and nobody likes Sans. Rain makes everybody sad, Sans makes everybody sad.

He was so much like rain..

Sans sighed, pulling out a small blanket from the sofa, tucking it around himself and sighing contently as the warmth filled his bones and lifted his mood.

Sans watched mindless tv for about 5 hours, before he noticed that Coco and Grillby still had not returned home. It was understandable, The harsh conditions outside werent supposed to let up for 2 more weeks, meaning they would be quite busy for the next few weeks.

Sans expected that they wouldnt be home often for the next while. Which was fine with Sans, he normally didnt make too much of a mess and he knew how to cook pretty well. When his parents wouldnt be home for the night he had to prepare dinner for him and his brother, so he knew one or two things about cooking a decent meal.

Sans enventully passed out, while watching mindless drizzle on the small television,


Heyy! I had a bigger update planned, but my computer erased it! shoot! Anyway, i would have wrote more, but its almost midnight and i have school in the morning! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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