Chapter 1: The mission

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As I crossed the town street on my horse it's made clear that this is no ordinary town. Good thing I'm no ordinary traveler. The name is Trent and that's all you'll know me by, Some may say I'm a hitman...well because I am. I take peoples filthy acts and do them at a reasonable price. Right now I'm on a special case, a Client by the name of Joshua Joestar wants me to take care of his former business partner and rival, Dario Brando also known as Dio, A wealthy man who has a reputation in the hit world as being unkillable. 


JJ: I want you to kill Dario Brando

*T leans back in his chair as he smirks*

T: Do you know how many hitmen have tried to take him down only to be killed? I'll give you a hint, about as much as this job is going to cost you 

JJ: I thought all your dirty deeds were done dirt cheap?

T: They are and that's why I'm asking for this price. Anyone else would ask for 5 times as much for the head of Dario Brando 

*Joshua throws a pouch of gold coins on the table in front of Trent*

JJ: I hope this will suffice 

*Trent looks at the bag and analyzes it*

<If I recall correctly there have been 37 deaths in Dio's name, using my enhanced x-ray vision I can see the bag he threw in front of me only contains 25>

T: I'm going to need at least 8 12 more gold coins before I walk out that door and kill the man you want me too

JJ: You will get the rest when you show me the head of Dio

*Tent then disappears from the eyes of Joshua*

JJ: Where did you go?

*JJ looks around frantically as he cants seem to find Trent anywhere*

T: I'm right in front of you 

*Trent reappears in front of JJ in the same position as if he never moved*

JJ: What did you just do?

T: Nothing, absolutely nothing

JJ: Is this why they call you the chameleon?

T: Part of the reason, this is one of my special abilities that make me a deadly hitman "Sneaky Boi" Basically whenever I want to I can instantly turn invisible and erase any trace of my presence for how long as I want. 

JJ: But that's impossible, no one can erase all traces of themselves, Even if you were invisible you would still give off heat or at the very least a sense 

*Trent disappears again*

<He is gone again, I bet he wants me to try to find him this time, he said he was invisible but not intangible. This room is relatively small Let me check around with my hands to see if I can touch him>

Joshua Joestar wandered around the room waving his hands all around, he  reached out over the chair that Trent was sitting on and felt nothing, he searched for a sent or the warmth of a body for 10 minutes

T: Do you give up?

*Trent appeared again sitting in his chair like always*

JJ: where did you go? How quickly did you have to move to avoid my arms!

T: I didn't move at all, See each time you waved your hands you did touch me however you couldn't register it. With every trace of me vanished your brain could never comprehend that it was touching something even if you were, meanwhile I can touch you all I want and you would never know.

*Trent winks as JJ becomes uneasy and disturbed, JJ throws 12 coins on the table*

JJ: Just take my money and kill Dio you pervert 

*Trent smiles as he collects the money and vanishes again*

[Present time]

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