Damon the Sexy Demon

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You were a celebrity.

You were wickedly handsome.

You also played every instruments.

You have an excellent voice.

And you were very very popular.

When I say very very, I say super popular. Everyone on town knows you. Heck, maybe the whole country knows you boy.


That's your name.

Some said you were a model. Some said an actor. Some said a singer. But boy, you were a celebrity. Your name shone brightly. It shone brightly high above the sky.

I only stared at you Damon, for you were out of reach. You were so popular that people swarmed around you every.single.day! Like literally. Well I don't blame them, you're like a magnet. I remembered before saying 'Oh Damon, I can only just stare at you. Oh how I wish I touch you, or even just go near you!'

Then bam! Everything went smoothly. You transfered to our school. My mind was turning crazy. Damn? My ultimate crush? In my school? Well every fangirl's surely like that. But Damon, what I wished for was more than what I gained. It was tripled!

Suddenly, you caught interest in me. Me? A potato? Puh-lease! But yes, it's true. And a love story of a popular guy and unpopular girl will never be complete without envious leeches around. Of course, everyone hated me. And somewhere with me, I felt so pretty.

Time flied so fast and you became my boyfriend. As in for real! My crush that I can only look at afar, was now cradled here in my arms! It was like as if I was still dreaming. A dream that was in my reality.

But Damon, I never even realized I was blindfolded by you. I was so caught up with my fantasies that I totally forgot the reality.

You tried to dominate me, and because I'm like a weak puppy, you succeeded. You controlled me like a puppet. Played with me like a little dolly. And stepped upon me like I was some kind of rag. It was afflicting. But because I loved you so damn much, I clung to you and held on tighly.

For months it was always been like that. After the day, I always ended up crying alone in the shadows. Yet someone's there for me. I remembered he hugged me, protected me, like what you should have done with me as my boyfriend. Not toyed me as what you did now.

Damon, can't you even ascertain the agony i've been feeling? You should have love me, instead I only received pain. You were a demon. But I was hopelessly in love with you demon.

So was it all a facade? That reputation of yours? To win people's heart? Damn Damon, what a good liar you were. No wonder you were such a good actor.

Damon, it's killing me. The feelings that battled within me. Some wants to run away, some wants to stay. It's making me insane. I loved you Damon, yes it's true, but you were hurting me, and I have to protect myself from you. I have to atleast learn to love myself a bit.

And so I left you.

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