Darker Than Love | 7

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Michelle's POV

It's been two weeks, two entire weeks that I haven't heard a word from Mason even though he lives under the same house as me. Why? I have no idea.

He avoided me like a plague. Eating beforehand so we wouldn't have to bump into one another at breakfast, lunch or dinner. He'd leave the house an hour before me or after me so we wouldn't meet up in the foyer or at school in the morning.

The same damn school that I was the one to give him a tour around. And apparently he now befriended the entire football team, which much to my dismay includes Damien.

You've got to be kidding me.

I mean, I'm the one who's supposed to be avoiding him! He admitted to knowing about me before we even met. It could have a simple explanation, but the ways he worded it seemed like he knew more about me than others did.

I'm the one who's supposed to be crept out, but yet still he's the one avoiding my presence.

I tried speaking to him a few times, but he acted like I didn't exist. It hurt a bit because over the span of two weeks I took a liking to him. I mean after that kiss how could I not have feelings for him? I've never felt this way before and it's not something I can just shut off.

I know I'm crazy for saying that, but you can't deny the fact that there's something called love at first sight. I don't love him, but. . .whatever.

Ever since that kiss I've literally been falling hard. I can't explain it, but Mason seems different from your stereotypical guys. He may be a bad boy which is cliche, but there's more to him than the brooding bad boy with mood swings.

He was. . . unique in a way I couldn't quite put my finger on.

Just the dose of medicine I need.

I groaned deeply, my eyes trained on the sum that I've been going over again and again, but yet still I couldn't form the numbers in my head and write it down on the damn book. "Need help?" Sasha asked when she realized the struggle I was enduring.

"Yes, please! I hate algebra, it's just so. . .ugh." I shuddered. She giggled softly and leaned over my seat, her eyes finding the sum in my book. "Don't dwell on it for too long, just move on to the next equation."

I flipped the page, expecting to find something easier, but it was exactly like the last, difficult. "It's the same freaking thing!" I exclaimed loudly, my voice rising an octave higher to the point where I drew in attention.

"Is there a problem miss White?" Mr Stillinski asked, his annoyed expression fixated on me as he slapped his pencil against his desk impatiently.

The class turned their attention to me, everyone's eyes were boring through mine and I couldn't help but snap from frustration. "Yes, I have a problem Mr Stillinski. My problem is this damn class, I–I don't understand any of this shit that won't benefit me in my future job, what so ever so screw this!"

"Well, Miss, if you have a problem with that you might as well exit my class." He replied nonchalantly, and yet I could hear the impatience and annoyance in his voice.

I kept my cold gaze interlocked with his, and I could have sworn he fidgeted or squirmed a little from how intensely I was staring at him. But all good things need to come to an end, so with that I snapped my head away from him, flipped my book open once again and acted like nothing just happened.

A shuddering, nervous breath escaped his lips, and I smirked in satisfaction. Guess I knew how to tick my teacher's gears. "What the hell, Michelle?!" Sasha hissed as she smacked me on the arm harshly.

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