Chapter 1

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I watched as my home town soon faded away and silence weighed on us like an anchor. My mom told me two days ago that I had to pack my things and go live with my dad. I hadn't seen him in four years after he came off of active duty, my mom left and took me with her. I don't know why she decided this would be a good idea, but here we are in the car on our way to Indiana to start a new chapter in my life.

I had a month before school started once again, but this year was different. It was my last year of high school and my chance to get away from my parents and have a new start to my life. Now it's a new start in a new school with a man I haven't seen since I was fourteen.

"Are you excited to start senior year?" My Mom asked as she glanced over at me.

"I'd be way more excited if it was started at home not in a new school with people I don't know." I said sharply refusing to look at her. "Why'd you even think this was a good idea? Why do I have to go to dads?"

"It's a new start for you okay. You haven't seen him in four years. Maybe it's time to have him back in your life."

"He'd still be in my life if you wouldn't have left." I argued.

With that comment she dropped it and we made our way to Indiana in silence.

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