myas pov

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Jin im sorry I don't mean to land on you. Jin: it's ok Mya and your brother is just looking out for you and I'm usually not like that it's just around jack I am completely gay but can't tell the person I love and my brother will diss own me. M: are you really gay? I just thought you was weird? Jin: his name is Justin he's your brother I didn't know I was until he bullyed me. M: Justin is not gay. Jin: I know but I wished he was. M: I can see if he is he just really sad ever sents last year. Jin: oh yeah we all are we lost a loving class mate. He must have known her. M: is here name ashley? Jin: yes he became distance with me all last year when she did. M: but I met Ashley how come Justin dint tell me. Jin: I only found out because the whole school was sad she I guess hung her self and everyone blames your brother. M: Jin can you come tell my mom please. Jin: yeah sure let's go through my house. M: ok following jin. Jin: up at frount door Mya beside him. M: walks in mom Justin lost his girlfriend. Mom: you did honey. Justin: sadness and pain. Mom: Mya how do you know? M: it's Jin he told me. Justin: you mean the gay emo kid how dose he know? M: school and he knows it's not your fault she needed help. Mom: can you go over and get him? M: no need I texted him to come over he's at the door. Justin: I'm sorry Jin I'm sorry I shut you out a year straget I'm sorry I bullyed you today I'm sorry I stopped hanging out with you when Ashley died. Jin: shhhh it's not your fault justin. Justin hugs Jin. Mom: well tell me what all happened? Justin: mom ever sents she died I started blameing myself and it dint help that I had to hide it form Mya you and max. M: big brother don't blame your self for a suicide that you couldn't prevent. Mom: honey go play with jack let me help these to I am the social worker. M: runs to Jack's house ok. Justin: Jin why did you tell her? Jin: because you have been abusive I thought I was your friend. Justin: not just that something more I can't say it because my mom's here. Jin: you broke up with Ashley because your gay dint you?  justin: yes I'm gay and never wanted to believe it. Jin: hugs Justin harder. Mom: I'll leave you to alone I'm not mad justin.   

J+j loves each other Justin comes out ok buy guys it's 5 in the morning here I'm going to sleep but ik sleep is for the weak lol hope you liked it

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